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"Are you fucking kidding Hannah?" My dad yelled at me hitting my face making it red almost immediately.

"Dad, I'm sorry." I said holding my face.

"No your not. You stupid little bitch," my dad yelled. "You were laying on top of your fucking rat of a boyfriend and you had your mouth on his. I bet you fucked didn't you?!" My dad yelled hitting me continually.

"No dad! We didn't do anything! We just kissed and were laying beside each other! Nothing happened!" I yell knowing that it will probably hurt my situation but doing it anyway.

"Don't fucking yell at me ugly bitch!"
My dad yelled hitting me.

"I'm sorry." I said with tears rolling down my face.

"No your not stop fucking lying." He said hitting me "leave now go to your room if you know what's good for you."

I run to my room and lock my door pulling out my razor and tearing at my flesh.

Michaels POV

I woke up to a frantic Hannah crying in my arms. She was shaking and had tears running down her face. She was shaking and would't wake up.

"Babe! Wake up!" I yell causing Ashton to wake up. Ashton looks over at us and gives me a concerned look and crawled out of his bed.

"Holy fuck whats wrong with her?!" Ashton asked observing her state.

"I don't know. I guess a bad dream?" I shook at Hannah before she finally woke up and wrapped her arms around me instantly because she had let go of me. I let her cling to me and cry into my chest.

"Babe, please, when your ready, tell me what happened." I say trying not to push her. This has happened before I've just never seen her like this before.

"M-Michael I uh I'm sorry." she said.

"No babe, don't be sorry." I tell her. she has nothing to be sorry about. I mouth to Ashton to go to Luke's and Calum's room so Hannah and I could be alone. As soon as Ashton gets out she brings her mouth to mine and cuddles into me more.

"Can we just stay at the hotel today? I don't really want to deal with fans today." she says into my chest. I don't either to be honest so I will gladly stay here with her.

"Yeah babe. I don't want to either." I respond. "but if you change your mind and want to go out let me know." I say. She grabs my hand and interwines her fingers with mine.

"You know the first time you followed me on twitter I freaked out. Then I DMed you. It was so awesome having that chance of you responding. When you responded I screamed and cried some more. I was so happy. When we started talking more I started to calm down a little but I still was so shocked that I was talking to you. When we started talking about meeting at the concert I got super scared but happy. But then we met the day before and I was more than happy. You kissed me and that's the day that I actually knew that I wanted you and only you. We've had our fights but I love you and your my only." She said with a smile on her face. I kissed her.

"Where did that come from?" I chuckled.

"God Michael can't I be cute sometimes?" She said with a playful tone in her voice. I kissed her.

"Your always cute, dummy." I say.

"Hey, that's mean." She says pouting. I roll my eyes at her.

"No, it's the truth." I say playfully.

"Shut up Gordon." She says making me play pout.

"Don't call me Gordon I'll tickle you." I threaten.

"Yeah right Gordon." She says. I start tickling her and she laughs loudly and closes her eyes at the feeling. I tickle her everywhere and anywhere.

"S-Stop! P-Please!" She pleads laughing.

"If you promise you won't call me Gordon anymore." I say smiling at her state.

"F-Fine!" She laughs. I stop tickling and place my lips on hers. She sinks into it. I love when she does this because she goes from tense to very calm and relaxed.

"Baby, I love you. That was cute. Thank you for making me happy." I say. She smiles and cuddles me again.

"Hmm I love you too." She says kissing me.

"I HEARD HANNAH SCREAMING DID YOU REALLY?" Calum asks running in covering his eyes.

"No ass wipe he tickled me. Stop assuming stuff." Hannah said causing me to laugh.


"HEY BE NICE TO CALUM, HANNAH." Luke screams from the other room.

"NO THANK YOU!" Hannah screamed. I was laughing hysterically at this point.

"UGH STOP FUCKING EVERY 3 SECONDS!" Ashton yells from the bathroom.


"CALUM LEAVE LUKE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ASHTON LEAVE US ALONE." Hannah yells making me laugh very loud. When Calum walked out with his arms crossed over his chest Hannah cuddled back into me and kissed all over my face and down my neck making sure to drive me crazy by sucking on my sweet spot. I heard Hannah mumble something that I didn't know so I decided to ask her on it.

"Hmm babe?" I ask her.

"I said shit. I forgot to call my mom." She says. She rolls over and grabs her phone dialing her mom.

"Hi mom!" She says into the phone. I was kissing all over her while she was in the phone and to be honest this was fun watching her try to stifle moans.

"I've just been," she says looking at me "Michael stop." She whispers at me.
"I've just been hanging with the boys and things." She says to her mom.

"What are you talking about. What did Calum post?" She asks.

"Oh no I don't think that was real."

"It was probably photoshop."

"Mom no please."


"No you can't do this!" She says. I give her a confused look. What is she so upset about. She was crying by now and I was hugging her tightly so I could calm her down but it only seemed to make her worse.

"Mom please! This isn't fair I'm 19!" She said crying hysterically now. She hung up and threw her phone to the other side of the room. She covered her face with her hand letting the tears fall. I didn't know what was wrong but I know that it wasn't good.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask her.

"Please don't hate me." She said hugging onto me.

"Never." I say back to her.

"M-my mom is flying me back because Calum posted a picture of us kissing and he said that we did something with a winky face and she said that she doesn't trust me anymore and she wants me back immediately." She said. My eyes rimmed with tears. This wasn't happening. She was 19 her mom couldn't do this.

"She can't. Your 19." I respond. This isn't right nor fair. She has no idea what happened even though she's right. Damn Calum.

"That's what I said."

"Well let's just spend these last days we have together to the fullest. I love you." I say trying not to cry. She wrapped her arms around me tighter and cried into my chest which I allowed.

"I never want to leave. And I'm not going too. If she thinks I really am she's a dumb bitch." She said.

"Babe, I don't want you too either but she's going to get mad at you." I say.

"No I don't care I'm moving anyways when I get back. I'm not dealing with this shit again. When my mom was dating she would get really possessive over me and she wouldn't let me do anything. She's probably dating again and if she is I'm going to get pissed. I'm not going back." She said. I love her but I couldn't let her stay and potentially ruin her relationship with her mom.
It was going to be hard saying goodbye but I was ready even if I thought I wasn't.

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