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"I can't believe you." My mom said as I walked up to her. "You're only nineteen and you have only known Michael for four or so months and you are already having sex?" she asked me angrily. "I'm going to have to stop you right there. I knew Michael for four years. He knew I was there. He may have only met me a while ago, but he knows I love him. And he loves me." I told her. "Love doesn't exist. It's just lies and beatings that make you wonder if life and love really just suck. And, Hannah, I need to tell you that you should take it slow. I went too fast, and we know where that led me." she said.

"Why'd you feel the need to bring me back here? You honestly would not have cared if Michael and I were having sex if you were happy. What's wrong?" I ask her concerned. She waited a minute, just a little unsure. "It's your father. He's out of prison." she whispered. My eyes widened.

Michael, my dad can get to Michael. He can beat him up. He could kill him. No. I have to get back to Michael.

"Mom, where is dad right now?" I asked. "He's on house arrest." she told me. I sighed. At least we have a way of knowing where he was. "And, there are guards inside our house, protecting us if he does anything."

"Let's just go." She said before we left the airport.


I heard the door creak as I opened it. "Hello?" his voice called out. It was deeper then I remembered. "Hannah, oh, I'm so glad you're home." He said as he got up and tried to hug me. "No, don't touch me." I told him. He put his arms down.

"Look, I know things weren't exactly amazing between us. I want to restart. I want to refresh. I want to be the father you deserved." he said, an inch of sadness in his voice. "You had 14 years to be a good dad, and for many of them, you were terrible. What makes you think you can just waltz into our house and tell me to be your daughter again after what you did?" I yelled at him.

"You left scars, bumps, bruises, scratches, and so much emotional pain in this house. We finally finish scrubbing it away, forgetting you, getting rid of any and every trace the man that was a bastard to my mom, and what do you do? You walk in here after eight years of prison, and try to restore the family you tore apart. You are an idiot. You caused this. You broke my trust, you broke my faith, you broke my love that I had for you. You broke my mom, you broke her belief in love, you broke everything you touched. Broken love, broken faith, broken hope, all in one giant broken home. You broke us." I told him.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. I want to make things better. I want to show you how I've changed."

"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard." I said. "Leave."

"No, Hannah, please. Just give me a chance."

"Your a fucking idiot if you think I'll forgive you. I don't want to talk to you right now. I mean I never want to talk to you but especially right now." I say with disgust evident in my voice. I turn away with my bags and go upstairs to my room. I throw my backs down and let my back drag across my door and letting myself go. The tears are coming faster than I expected and everything that I thought I had in place all seemed to be falling apart again. I get up pulling my laptop out of my bag and getting on my bed. I FaceTime Michael like I promised and wait for him to pickup. After 4 rings he finally picks up and smiles widely at me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks observing my expression.

"It's my dad. He's back." I say. He gives me a look of concern and speaks again.

"Is he anywhere close to you? I don't want him touching you I swear to fucking God," Michael says getting angrier by the word.

"Hey calm down. He's under house arrest and there's guards at my house making sure he doesn't do anything." I say. He sighs and rubs his temples.

"If he does anything and I mean anything, let me know and I will fly down and beat his ass." Michael said causing me to chuckle at how protective he is.

"I miss you." I say changing the topic.

"I miss you too." Michael said.

"Hannah?" I hear my dads voice on the other side of my door.

"It's my dad." I whisper to Michael.

"Don't hang up I want to hear." He says. So I don't.

"Come in." I sigh. He comes in and sits on my desk chair looking at me.

"I know you said you wanted to be alone but H please. I know that I hurt you and your mother and I know I left scars that will be there forever but I still love you and no matter what I will always be here waiting for your forgiveness. Your mother said that you had a boyfriend. What is his name?"

"Why the hell would I tell you his name?" I say raising my voice on accident.

"Hannah just tell him who I am and show him." Michael said.

"That's your boyfriend?" My dad- well whatever he is anymore asked.

"Yeah, his name is Michael and he knows me better than anyone else. He's the one that taught me how to love. He's the one that showed me what it's like to be loved. Unlike you who showed me what it's like to be mistreated and beat everyday." I say. His expression goes sad and I don't even feel the slightest bit sad. He treated me horribly and made me sad everyday. Why would I feel bad about him being sad?

"Hi sir, I'm Michael." Michael said and had a look of pure disgust on his face. I turned the computer away again and my dad talked again.

"So I see you dyed your hair. You dye it the same as his?" My dad asks and I nod. "I know you don't want to speak to me but please Hannah just give me a chance." He says. I sigh and look at my lap.

"Leave." I say blankly. He sighs and gets up walking away. As soon as he left I turned to camera to me.

"I'm sleepy Mikey." I yawned.

"Me too baby." He said.

"Goodnight. I love you so fucking much." I say

"Goodnight baby. I love you so fucking much too." He said smiling. I waved then ended the FaceTime. I reached into my drawer and pulled out my old friend. I know I promised Michael I wouldn't do this anymore but look here I am doing it again. I pull up my sleeve and tear at my flesh letting my tears fall and blood rush out.

So half of this chapter whenmikeyturnsbald wrote and the other half I wrote and I kinda cried writing it. But anyways I hope you liked it. Ily

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