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Today we were flying back to Sydney because we have about 2 months before we have to do anything else. It's sad but it's going to be nice to just sit at home with Hannah and the boys and just relax. Calum was going to be Sally for the first time in forever and Ashton was going to have to say goodbye to Summer. I'm just glad that Hannah gets to stay with me. I can't do long distance relationships very well. We're driving to the airport right now and Hannah has her hand in mine. Calum is sitting on the other side of me and his leg is bouncing up and down. I wonder if this is what it would be like if Hannah had been gone from me for almost half a year. I don't really even want to think about her not being with me. We arrive at the airport minutes later and drive in. We get out of the van only to be greeted with fans. We take a few pictures, Hannah does too which makes me happy, and we walk inside the building were they didn't let fans in. We sit down and wait for our plane to be called. Minutes later it's called and we make our way to the plane gates. We board the plane and before we know it were taking off.


After hours of being on a plane we finally land and we get off the plane. Summer rode over with us and her and Ashton have to say goodbye in just a minute which is going to be hard watching Ashton do. Also Sally is here and I can see Calum growing more anxious by the second.

Calums POV

We get off the plane and walk over to the baggage claim and grab our stuff. I'm extremely nervous to see Sally. I missed her so much. We walk over to the Starbucks in the airport and I see her. Sitting at a table drinking something.

"Sally!" I shout. She gasped and a giant smile spread across her face. She ran over to me and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"I missed you so god damn much." She said into my ear.

"I missed you too holy shit. Your here." I say. She looks up at me and crashes her lips to mine.

"I've been waiting so long to feel your lips on my own damn." She said smiling.

Her smile was contagious and I just looked at her with a wide smile.

Michaels POV.

Behind me I hear a loud shout come from Calum.

"Sally!" He said. She ran up to him and tackled him. I smiled at hour cute they are. I look down at Hannah who is in awe at them.


Ashtons POV.

Today was the day I had to leave Summer. I was not ready what so ever but she has to go back home.

"Ash, I don't want to leave." She said and placed her head on my shoulder. She tightened her grip on my hand and sighed.

"I don't want you to leave but you have too. I hate this." I admit.

"Me too." She sighs. When her plane to go back home was called we knew it was time. I walked her to the gate after everyone said bye then it was my turn.

"I love you so much baby. If you have any problems with the baby let me know I will fly out immediately. I love you god I don't want you to leave." I cry out.

"I love you so much." She said.

"I love you too." I said.

"Bye." She said with sad eyes.

"Wait." I say before she can walk off. I crash my lips into her while cupping her face.

"Bye." I say then we part our ways. Why was leaving so hard? I don't understand. Her plane took off minutes later and I felt myself getting more and more sad by the second. The boys were trying to cheer my up but with Hannah and Michael and Calum and Sally. It's a little much.

Hannah's POV.

We get into the van and drop the boys off at there moms house except for Michael. Michael was spending the first couple of nights here with me. Which I didn't mind at all. When we arrive at my house, I think the driver and I grab my few bags and Michael does too. We walk up to my front door and wait for an answer. A few seconds later my mom opens the door and gasps.

"Your here!" She shouted. She hugged me and then looked at Michael.

"Your here too oh my god!" She said loudly. She hugged Michael then led us inside. "I'm sure you are both tired so you can go sleep if you'd like. I'll have food ready when you wake up." She said.

We walked to my room and Michael plopped down on my bed. He opened his arms up for me and waited. I walked over to him and layed down in his arms. I turn around so I can face him and minutes later I fall asleep.


We are woken up to the sound of my mom calling us down for food. We get up and walk down stairs. My dad is sitting at the table and I see Michael just glare at him. We grab a plate and help ourselves then we go and sit at the table.

"I'm assuming your Michael?" My dad asks. 

"Who the fuck else would he be?" I snap. Michael places his hand on my thigh and squeezes in an attempt to calm me down.

"Oh well nice to meet you Michael." He said causing me to roll my eyes. "Why do you hate me so much Hannah?" I gasped.

"Why do I hate you so much dad? I WONDER MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU BEAT ME AND MOM FOR YEARS AND NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT IT. MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU TREATED ME LIKE TRASH. MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LEFT ME AND MOM FOR 8 YEARS AND NEVER TRIED TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT. MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU AND NOW YOU KNOW WHY." I scream and stand up not meaning too. Michael sits me down and tries to calm me down. My dad had tears rimming his eyes but why would I care? I get up not saying anything else and walk to my room. I get up to my room and lock my door sliding down it and start crying unintentionally. Minutes later I hear a little knock on my door.

"Hannah, baby let me in." Michael called out softly. I open the door and scoot over on the floor. He comes in and joins me on the floor. His long arms wrap around me in an attempt to calm me.

"How about we just go back to sleep." Michael says. I nod and we get up walking to my bed. We get in my bed and he wraps his arms around me from the back and cuddles his much into mine.

"I love you baby. Goodnight." He whispered in my ears.

"I love you too." I say and let my eyes close.

There was a lot of POV changes sorryyy but I hope you liked this chapter :)))

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