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I sighed as I stepped out of the hotel. A car was waiting to pick me up, and take me to the airport to fly back to Sydney where my mother was waiting. The boys waved me off as Michael and I rode away.

We arrived at the airport, and we stepped out of the car. I got my tickets and Michael watched.

I felt Michael come up to me from behind. "I love you." he says, his voice breaking. A tear rolled down my face. "Look, you don't have to fly back. You can pretend to miss this flight and then just leave and go back on tour if you want." he offered. I shook my head. "I have to face this head on. I may be nineteen, but my mom is my mom. I don't have any other option." I said, as silent tears rolled down my face.

"I need to go through security." I said, and he nodded. He kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna miss you." He said before giving me a light kiss. "I love you Mikey. I'll call you." I told him before getting in the security line.

Michael Gordon Clifford. The boy I loved. The boy I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. The boy my mom was okay with, and wasn't uptight about us dating. The boy my mom said it was fine for me to go on tour with. None of this made sense.

Was my mom seeing someone again? Was he abusive? All this uptight, strictness came when my mom was married to my father, or seeing someone abusive. She would make me stay in my room, while I heard screaming, and yelling going on downstairs. He would force her to set the house with alarms to make sure she didn't get out and tell authorities. I couldn't escape.

"M'am? Are you alright?" asked a security guard, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, yes. I'm fine." I lied to him as I set my carry on baggage down to be checked.

I never could tell anyone. I lived in constant fear. I would be fed every now and then. Most of the time I was forgotten. Nobody ever treated me right.

But then, I found 5 Seconds Of Summer, and I had hope. They saved me. Their cute covers, and low-quality videos would make my day. They brought hope to my life. One Direction asked them to open at their concert, and they came off to a big start.

I remember the sound my phone made when I was notified that Michael followed me. To me, that was a big accomplishment. I sat in my room, smiling, and laughing, and crying for three days straight because he answered my direct message. I suddenly got happier. I suddenly had the guts to tell someone about my mom's abusive relationships. I finally got help.

"You're good to go." The security man said and zipped my bag up. I started to walk to my gate.

But even now, my mom would and could go back to the same type of people that put me and her in that situation. She had poor judgement. She always went to the ones who pretended to love her. The ones that bought her all the presents in the world to lure her in. The ones that would terrify her. The ones she wouldn't know are bad.

At one point in my life, everything had been normal between my parents. They were loving, and caring and kind. They loved each other. One day, my dad came home from work, and slapped my mom. He had a rough day and felt angry. He slapped her. She fought back. He didn't like that, so he fought her until she didn't have the will to fight anymore. It became a pattern.

Everyday, like clock work, my dad would come home from work and be angry, or my mom would say something that ticked him off. He would hit her, and the first few times, she fought back. She would kick, hit, scream, and cry. One day, when he hit her, she didn't fight back. She didn't do anything but let him hurt her. I didn't understand why she wasn't fighting him back. I was only nine years old.

I always tried to scream at him, but I didn't want him to hurt me. I know that it hurt my mom to be abused, but if I got hit, she would be even worse off.

"Calling everyone on the flight 352 to Sydney, Australia to board now." a voice came over the speaker. I picked up my bag and got on the plane. I found my way to seat seventeen, and sat down.

I suddenly knew exactly what to do about my mom, and I knew I had to do it.

"We will be taking off in just a second, have a good flight." the pilot told us, and suddenly, we were soaring in the sky.

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