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Michaels POV

I laid down on my bed staring at my ceiling. I've been like this for the past couple of days. I haven't eaten very much or been anywhere very much. Most of the nights without Hannah I haven't slept. The way I feel without Hannah isn't healthy. Every single day without Hannah gets worse. It's like if I'm not with her I'm not me. Hannah is my source of happiness and I've lost her. For good? Most likely. I don't have much of a chance of getting the love of my life back. I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. Calum and Ashton have been trying to get me to get out of my bed for the past couple of days but I've refused. Hannah has had a major toll on me. I'm sure she's fine and moved on but not me. I'm still laying in my bed crying my eyes out every night.

"Come on man, you have to get out. Come to the club with me and the boys." Ashton suggested. Luke has been out quite a lot lately. I don't know why but he's growing quite antsy around me.

"Ugh, I don't want to." I groan. He sighs and he rubs his hands on his face. I've been quite annoying these past few days not wanting to go anywhere but they have to understand my point of view.

"You have to Michael I'm not asking. Get your lazy ass off your bed and et dressed were leaving soon." He said and go up leaving my room.

I groaned loudly and unrolled from my bed. My body ached from not moving much but I didn't really pay much attention to it. I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself. I was a complete wreck. I had very dark black bags under my eyes. My hair was a mess and I was still wearing the same clothes from last week. I quickly stripped not being able to look at myself any longer. I got into the shower and let the water soak me. This immediately made me think of the many showers I had with Hannah. Everything reminds me of Hannah. I step out of the shower and dey my body off. I walk into my room and pull out a Iron Maiden shirt and black skinny jeans from my dresser. I pull them on the run my hands through my red hair. I'm going to need to change my hair because it brings back to many memories. I quickly quiff my hair then I grab my phone and go down stairs.

"It's about time loser." Ashton chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I grumble. Calum laughs with Ashton and we go out if the house. "If you really want me to go then you'll shut the fuck up dumbasses." I call them out. They shut up immediately and we continue walking to the car. When we get in I get in the back and pull out my phone. I go onto Twitter that I haven't visited since Hannah and I broke. I decide to tweet since o have time.

Hey sorry I haven't been on in a while.

Rough times you feel me?

I tweet then put my phone in my lap. I groan when we pull up to the club and I get out of the car. People turn there attention to us and I already regret coming. We go to the front of the line and they let us in. We walk in and go to the bar.

"Your drinking tonight Michael." Calum says handing me two shots. I grumble something inaudible since the music was so loud. I down the shots and screw my eyes shut. The shots buzz me up a little and I find myself slowly letting Hannah escape from my mind.

"Get me another one. Or 4 more." I chuckle. I down them all in seconds. I down a couple of more drinks before I'm drunk off my ass.

"Hey cutie." A girl says to me throwing her arm over my shoulder. Before I can think about what I'm doing I snake my arm around her waist.

"Hey cupcake. What's your name?" I ask.

"Hannah." She says. I cringe at the name and try to fight back the tears.

"Calum will you get me another drink?" I ask him. He nods and hands me a drink. I down it quickly and Hannah starts to drift away again.

"You can call me something else if you want to. You don't seem to like that name." She said with full concern.

"Oh no, it's a lovely name I just- I uh- it's my ex's name and we kind of just broke up." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh, babe I'm sorry." She said looking at me with concerned eyes. "You can call me Steph. It's my middle name. Hannah Stephanie Tracy." She smiles at me. I nod.

"Well Steph, my name is Michael." I smile warmly.

"Here, I'll get you another drink to take the edge off of you." She says. I nod and stand awkwardly. She comes back with a drink in her hand. I take it and down it quickly. I wrap my arm back around her waist and look at her. She resembled Hannah. Black long hair, Hannah had black long hair besides she dyed it with me, she had green eyes. She had big pink lips. She had a nose stud. She looked a lot like Hannah. I guess I have a type.

Do you understand what your doing to Hannah.

If Hannah finds out she'll never take you back.

Hannah is hurting right now and your here about to get laid?

The voices in my head taunt me. I shake them away and look at Steph.

"Will you kiss me?" I ask. She nods and pulls my face down to level with her. Her lips move with mine in a foreign way. This is when I knew, I wanted no one else other than Hannah. I pulled back quickly.

"I'm sorry." I say. Looking at my feet.

"Don't worry about it. I understand your still hurting. I'm here for you. Friends?" She asks giving me a reassuring smile.

"Friends." I nod. She puts her number in my phone before I run out of the building. I call a taxi and tell him where to go. I pull up to Hannah's house and take a deep breath. I thank the taxi driver and pay him before stepping out. I walk up to her door and knock. I wait a few minutes before someone starts to twist the knob.


Wow this sucked but you know what Michael feels like now. I most likely won't have an update on Christmas but well see. Ily all merry Christmas if you celebrate and if you don't happy holidays. :) ily

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