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I was just sitting down in the sand and eating my icecream when an adorable little girl with big curly hair ran up to me.

"Excuse me Mr. Where did you get that?"

I laughed and pointed at the icecream cart that wasn't too far away. "I went there."

"Cassy!" A voice yelled. Suddenly the little girl was being picked up by a beautiful girl who looked about my age. She was wearing a black and white bikini. "I'm sorry, I looked down for a second and she was gone!"

"It's okay." I said, standing up. I pinched the little girls cheeks and she laughed before hiding her face against the beautiful stranger's chest.

"Wait a minute." She furrowed her brows. "I know you."

I sighed. Great.

She studied my face for a second. "Yeah. You live in my community. Do you have a twin?"

I smiled, she wasn't talking about recognizing me from YouNow. "Yup." I nodded. "I...don't think I've seen you before."

"You probably haven't. We just moved here a few days ago. I saw you and your brother getting into a car once when I was walking my dog."

"Cool." I nodded. "I'm Julian."

"I'm Sierra." When she smiled I saw how perfectly straight her teeth were.

"Nice to meet you Sierra." I looked down at the black curly hair of the little girl and taped her shoulder. "What's your name little one?"

She turned her head to look at me and smiled, one of her front teeth were missing. "Cassy."

"Cassy? That's a really cool name. How old are you?"

"Three." She answered, holding up 3 fingers.

The little girl blushed and hid her face from me again.

"Hmm. She's not usually this shy." Sierra told me. "I think Cassy has a crush."

Cassy started laughing. "Nuh uh sissy!"

Sierra shook her head laughing and put Cassy down, but held her hand.

"Well at least she has good taste." Sierra said. "It was nice meeting you Julian, I guess I'll see you in school next week, maybe."

The two of them started walking away and I stood frozen in place. At least she has good taste. Was she flirting with me? I contemplated for a minute and then decided that yes, yes she was.

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