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"Why didn't you wanna tell me about this?" Sierra asked. "It's so freaking cool."

"Really? You don't think it's stupid?"

"Not at all! Are you kidding!? If you're good at something, you should do it, and obviously you and Jovani are hella good broadcasters!"

Her excitement made me really happy and I think she could tell.

"So like, can I watch you?" She asked.

"I mean...you can, but if you do please don't tell me, cuz I'll get nervous."

"Haha ok, I won't tell you. When do you guys broadcast?"

"Every day at 7:30pm."

"K, I'll try and remember that."

"Trust me." I laughed. "It's ok if you forget. I hope you do."

"I won't." She assured me. "So...my mom and I just made cupcakes. Do you wanna come in and get one?"

"No thanks. I actually have to broadcast in a few minutes so I have to go."

We stood up and I tried not to show my nervousness.

"Sierra. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes." She smiled.

I pulled a small box out of my pocket and gave it to her. She opened it to see a small heart charm hanging from a necklace.

"Julian, I love it. Thank you."

"Turn around." I said, taking the necklace from her.

She moved her curly hair away from her neck so I could put the necklace on for her.

"Ok, all done."

She let her hair drop again and turned to face me.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I promise it won't turn your neck green and it won't rust or anything, it's waterproof too. So all I need from you is a promise."

"A promise?"

"Mhmm. Promise that you'll never take it off. I wanna see it every time I see you."

She laughed, but nodded her head. "I promise."


She wrapped her arms around my neck and got on her tippy toes. "Can I have a kiss please?"

"Yes you can."

I kissed her twice and then had to hurry home.

"What happened?" My mom asked me, as soon as I got through the door.

"Both of your sons have a girlfriend now."

"Ay dios mio." My mom gasped and squeezed me in a hug. "Aww both my boys."

When she was done freaking out I ran upstairs to tell Jovani and he seemed genuinely happy.

"I knew you'd find someone bro." Jovani told me. "You have your girl, and I have mine."

Jovani's been dating a girl named Nalah for a few months, almost a year, and seeing them together always made me wish I was in a relationship. Now I am.

When we started the broadcast I was scared at first, because I was afraid that Sierra might be watching, but then I just thought well I want a supportive girlfriend...so if she's watching, it's ok.

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