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I was so overwhelmed by the accpetance letter. I didn't know whether to cry or smile, so I sorta did both. I imagined that this moment would upset me, but it actually made me happy...really happy.

Julian came with me inside to tell Maria and she hugged me for the longest time. I didn't realize how long until she let me go and I saw that Julian was gone. I didn't have to say it, my decision was obvious. I'll be living in New York next fall.

"I'm so excited Sierra!" Maria told me.

"Me too!" I smiled.

"Wait till mom and dad find out! They're ganna be so happy!"

I nodded my head and hugged her again, sobbing. It's always been my sister and I's dream to go to school together, pursuing photography as a career so that when we both graduate we can go into business together. This is all I've ever wanted...well...this...and to fall in love...which I've also done.

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