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When Andrea pulled up to my house Julian got out of the car to walk me to the front door.

"I hope you had fun." He said.

"I did, I really did." I smiled.

"Ok. Good."

"Oh! Your shirt." I quickly took off his shirt and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He laughed.

"Actually...that's rude isn't it? I should wash it first."

I tried to take it back, but he wouldn't let me.

"I can wash it Sierra. It's ok."

I bit my lip and looked down. "Ok. Sorry."

When I looked up again he was already looking at me and I couldn't help but feel hypnotized by how gray his eyes looked in the shade; they were piercing. He touched my cheek with his hand and I closed my eyes at the feeling of the warmth.

My lips started to tingle in anticipation and when we finally kissed it was like I could breathe again.

"Bye beautiful." He said quietly.


When I went upstairs to take a shower all I could think about was how great today was. Jovani and I get along really well and Andrea was really nice to me, so maybe I'm ok. And I know my parents will love him whenever they meet him.

I was sitting on my bed, doing homework when my mom came in.

"Hi girly." She greeted me.

I put my pencil in my history text book and closed it. "Hi mom."

"So...how was the beach?"

I laughed at her obvious attempt to be nosey. "It was really fun."

"Mhm. Did you meet his parents?"

"No, just his brother and his older sister."

"Damn." My mom laughed. "Well when do your father and I get to meet him?"

"I don't know mom, we just started dating. I don't want to scare him." I laughed. "Dad is a little intimidating at times."

"Oh forget your father, I just want to meet the young man who has my daughter smiling whenever she looks at her phone."

I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. "Mom stop it."

"Sorry, sorry...I mean, according to Cassy he's quite a cutie."

"Moooom." I groaned. "Please, can we just not do this right now? I'm almost done with my homework."

"Ok, fine. I'll just go start dinner."

"Thank you." I sighed.

When she closed my door I immediately hid my face in a pillow and smiled. Is it really that obvious that Julian makes me happy?

I wonder if he walks around his house smiling at his phone too.

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