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"3...2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

I wrapped my arms around Sierra and gave her the longest kiss ever. Maria laughed and cleared her throat.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"Happy New year!" Maria cheered and hugged Sierra, then myself.

"Happy New Year Maria." I told her.

I hugged both of Sierra's parents and then picked up Cassy to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy New Year princess."

"Happy New Year Julian." Cassy blushed.

"Do you guys wanna go? Or can we stay for a bit?" Sierra's mom asked.

"Doesn't matter to me." I told her, because I'm sleeping over anyways.

"Lets stay." Maria said.

"Hey Julian, I'll race you to the water!" Maria shouted and started running.

"No fair!" I yelled, trying to catch up to her.

"I win!" She cheered as she splashed her way into the water.

"Cheater." I laughed.

When I ducked under the water to wet my hair Sierra was right in front of me when I stood up again. Fireworks lit up the sky and reflected beautifully off the water. I smiled and felt genuine happiness. I let my mind completely clear of all the thoughts that were racing through it. No thoughts of Sierra leaving, no thoughts about how much it will hurt. No thoughts at all.

"Get on my back babe." I told Sierra, and she did.

She wrapped her legs around me and from her knees down, she was still in the water. She let her arms hang over my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more."

"Promise?" She laughed.

"I promise."

On the way home Sierra fell asleep wrapped in her beach towel.

"Dad. Sierra is sleeping." Maria said when we pulled into the driveway.

Her dad groaned. "My back isn't what it used to be."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door.

"It's ok sir, I can carry her." I told Mr.Vasquez.

"Thank you Julian." He said.

"No problem."

Mrs,Vasquez unlocked the front door and all of us went inside. Just as I reached the first step Mrs.Vasquez spoke.

"Julian honey, when you get her to wake up please make sure she takes a shower. She won't want all that sand in her bed. And she told me there's an extra towel under her sink for you."

"Thank you Mrs.Vasquez. Goodnight."


I carried Sierra up to her room and sat her down on her computer chair. "Wake up babe, you're home, you need to take a shower."

"Ugh." She groaned.

I laughed and took her towel away from her. "Go on. You don't want sand in your bed."

"Ok. Ok."

She stood up and walked over to her dresser like a zombie. She's adorable when she's sleepy. While she took a shower I sat on her computer chair and called my parents, then Andrea, then Jovani to wish them a happy new year.

"Ok. Your turn." Sierra said when she walked out of the bathroom.

She slowly walked to her bed and layed under her covers. Guess she'll be asleep before I get out. When I opened the cabinet under her sink I smiled. On top of the towel was a tooth brush, a blue soap bar and a bottle of axe shampoo and conditioner. I couldn't help but smile and think relationship goals.

There was a shelf in the shower for Sierra's shower products, and a shelf for mine. I took a quick shower and washed my hair before getting out. I put on the red t-shirt and black basketball shorts I brought with me and Sierra was asleep when I got in bed.

I wrapped my arms around her warm body and had the best sleep of my life.

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