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Sierra got under my quilt and sat with her back resting against the headboard. I sat in front of her with my legs crossed and my phone in my lap.

"So are you ganna tell your sister all about me?" I asked Sierra.

She laughed and ran her fingers through her straightened hair. "Oh please, she already knows all about you."

"Really?" My eyes widened and I scooted closer to her. "What have you told her? Does she like me?"

"I tell her about how happy you make me...and how scared I am about college because you make me want to stay in Florida. Yes, she likes you a lot."

I smiled. "Good. Tell her I like her too."

"Julian, you don't even know her." She laughed.

"It doesn't matter. She likes me so I like her. And I LOVE you." I kissed her forehead and she blushed.

"I really don't want to talk about it...but what if I do get into NYSP (New York School of Photography)?"

"Like I said before. You'll go." I told her, confidently. "I won't let you stay because of me."

Her eyes started watering and she wrapped her arms around me. I got under the quilt with her and held her close to me. Her tears made my T-shirt stick to my chest.

"Julian I'm scared." She sobbed. "I don't wanna leave you."

"I'm scared too." I confessed. I don't know what's ganna happen when she leaves. I've never believed in long distance relationships, but I love her so much. I don't want anyone else.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." She said quietly.

I kissed the top of her head and pulled away to wipe her tears with my sleeve.

"For now. But then, that acceptance letter will be. I promise." I told her.

"You're wrong. Even that won't mean more to me than you do."

I sighed and hugged her again. "Lets not talk about this now ok? You need to sleep, you have a late flight tomorrow."

"Goodnight Julian."

"Goodnight baby."

I gave her a kiss and then, as if on cue, Jovani walked in and turned off the light before getting into his bed.

"Goodnight y'all." Jovani said.

"Goodnight." I said for Sierra and I.

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