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"Exams are over!" I cheered when I started walking home with Julian. "And Maria is coming tomorrow, and we have two weeks of no school! I'm so excited. I can't wait for you to meet her!"

"I can't wait either, do you think she'll like me?"

"She already loves you." I assured him.

He held my hand as we walked behind our group of friends, Jovani was laughing loudly at something someone said, and I tried to ignore it, but gosh, he laughs so loudly.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" Julian asked me.

"Yeah, only because Maria will be home. I didn't really ask for anything this year."

"Well I'm still getting you something." He told me.

I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm getting something for you too."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Woah, woah, woah. Nuh uh, I'm not saying what I'm getting you unless you say what you're getting me."

"Not gonna happen." He laughed.

"Fine. Then I'm not telling."

"Fine." He nodded.

I laughed and he kissed my cheek.

"You should sleep over again at some point."

"Mmm. Maybe. I think you should sleep over MY house this time."

"Fine with me. I just like sleeping with you."

"I do too...I feel...safe." I confessed. "Not that I feel unsafe when I sleep alone, I just...like having you there."

"I agree."

He walked me to my house and gave me a kiss.

"See you tomorrow maybe?" He asked.

"Maybe, before my sister comes."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." I waved and he walked to his house.

As soon as I got inside I showered and cleaned up my room and the upstairs bathroom, since I'd have to share it while Maria is here. Then I went and rearranged her room, afraid she might not like the way I had it. I hung posters of her favorite celebrities and made sure everything in it fit her personal style, which was a bit more edgy than my own.

Once I thought that it was as perfect as it could be I went downstairs and baked a cake, her favorite kind; red velvet. I let it cool for about 20 minutes and then covered it with creme cheese frosting. It's been less than a month since Thanksgiving break, but I'm still so excited to see her again.

It is the strangest thing to only see someone spontaneously every few months when you're used to seeing them every single day. That's why I know that being away from Julian will make our relationship extremely difficult to maintain, hopefully I won't get into the photography school.

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