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I can't believe Sierra and I have been dating for over a month already, it's pretty crazy. Today is important though, because today, our parents are meeting.

"I'm so nervous." Sierra told me, over the phone.

"I know. Me too." I confessed.

"I don't know what to wear!" She panicked.

"Hmm...you should wear...clothes."


"I'm sorry babe." I laughed at my clever joke. "I don't know. Just...wear something you would wear to school. We are going to a pizza place, no need for heels or makeup."

She sighed. "What are you wearing?"

"A navy blue shirt and black jeans."

"Okay. That helps. I'll see you soon, I gotta finish getting ready."

"Alright, bye."


When I hung up the phone I felt a little bit better because at least I knew I wasn't the only nervous one. It means a lot to me that my parents like Sierra, they love Nalah so I expect they'll react the same to Sierra.

My biggest concern is HER parents. What if they think I'm an eff boy or something? I mean, I'm not, but people say I look the part. I respect Sierra, she's my princess, and I hope that shows. I don't know what I'll do if her parents don't like me, I really don't want to lose her.

"Julian!" My mom shouted from downstairs. "Let's get going!"

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I took my phone off its charger and tucked it into the pocket of my jeans. Show time.

When my dad pulled into the parking lot of Cici's pizza it felt like my heart was directly connected to my ear, because I could hear it beating so clearly. I got out of the car and took a deep breath.

"Don't worry Julian." Jovani said, patting my shoulder. "They're ganna love her."

"Thanks." I told him, still just as worried.

We walked into the restaurant/ buffet/ arcade and the first thing I noticed was how bright it was inside. The second thing I noticed was how beautiful Sierra looked in the blue plaid shirt she wore with a pair of black leggings. She waved at my family and I, and we waved back as we approached them. She looks so freaking cute when she puts all her curls up into a big bun, I just think it highlights the structure of her beautiful face.

Cassy ran up to me and I picked her up. "Julian!" She cheered.

"Hi Cassy." I smiled. "Have you been a good girl?"


"Good." I set her back down and she ran to hide behind her mom's legs, hiding her face from everyone.

"You're just a natural ladies man aren't you?" Sierra's mom joked.

I laughed nervously.

"Mom." Sierra said. "This is my boyfriend, Julian. Julian this is my mom, and my dad. Mr. And Mrs.Vasquez."

I shook hands with them both. Her mom was about the same height as Sierra, maybe a little taller, and her dad must have been at least 6 feet.

"These are my parents, my brother Jovani, and my sister, Andrea."

Everyone shook hands and I looked at Sierra, who looked at me.

"Um." Sierra's mom cleared her throat. "Lets grab some tables and get some food."

Both of our parents sat in a booth with Cassy and Sierra, Jovani, Andrea, and I shared a regular table. Once I sat down with my plate of food I realized that I forgot all about drinks.

"I forgot my soda." I said.

"Oh me too." Sierra sighed.

"Don't worry. I got it. What do you want?"

"Mmm half sprite, half orange soda." She answered.

"Ok. Coming right up."

I walked over to the soda station and grabbed two medium cups. I filled mine with coke and filled Sierra's with the combination she asked for.

"Julian." A voice said. I looked down to see little Cassy. "I can't reach."

I picked her up and got a small cup for her.

"Which one do you want?"

"Mmm...orange soda. Mommy says I can only have a half cup."


We both held the cup and I pushed it against the button for the Fanta Orange until the cup was half way full. I set her back on the ground to put a lid on and stick a straw through.

"There ya go."

"Thank you!" She ran happily back to her mom, who smiled at me and mouthed Thank you.

I waved my hand to show that it was no problem and then put a lid on Sierra's cup and mine. So far so good, I think.

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