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Julian told me he was happy for me, but then he also told me that he needed space. I couldn't get him to answer any calls or texts and he didn't attempt to contact me until the morning of New Year's Eve.

-Do you have plans tonight?

~Yeah. My family is going to the beach to watch firweorks.

-Could I tag along maybe? My mom is sick,so my dad is taking care of her. Andrea is gonna be with Ryan and Jovani's going out with Nalah's family.

~Of course you can come babe.

I frowned. Why is he talking like...he isn't my boyfriend anymore? Did we break up and he just didn't tell me?

-Ok. Thank you.

~Julian, what's going on? We haven't spoken in 4 days and now you text me as if you're bothering me ??

-I'm sorry.

I hate when he gives such short responses. I was just so annoyed that he ignored me for so long and then texted me out of the blue.

~Julian. If we're gonna have a good time, I want you to come. But if you're gonna be like this I'd rather just be with my family. Do you even miss me?

-Of course I do.

~Then please act like it.

I sighed and left my phone on the charger while I took a shower. When I came out of the bathroom he was sitting on my bed and I smiled.

"Hi." I said, hugging him.

"Hi baby. I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I'm just trying to get used to the idea that in a few months you'll be gone."

"I know, me too. But we have to deal with it TOGETHER. Ok?"

"Ok." He nodded and smiled for the first time.

"So did Maria tell you we're going to the mall?" I asked him.

"Mhmm. She invited me...if it's ok with you."

"Julian of course it is!" I laughed and made him stand up. "Can I please have a kiss?"

He smiled and nodded his head before touching my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you." He whispered. "I'm just scared."

"I am too." I whispered back.

When he kissed me I felt a little sad because although its only been 4 days it felt like we hadn't kissed in 4 years.

"Well, how do I look?" I asked him, putting my hand on my hip and sticking my lips out.

He laughed at me and then kissed me again.

"You look beautiful."

I was just wearing a solid black t-shirt and denim shorts, but hey, I'll take the complement. We walked downstairs holding hands and Maria smiled when she saw it. Two nights ago I slept in her room because I couldn't stop crying, so I'm sure she's just relieved to see me happy again.

"Ready to go?" She asked us, our dad's keys in her hand.

"Yup." I answered.

I sat in the back seat with Julian and I didn't stop holding his hand while the three of us talked.

"So is there a specific reason you guys are going to the mall?" Julian asked.

Maria glanced at him through the rearview mirror. "Mhmm. Old Navy has bathing suits that say 2016 on them and Sierra and I wanna get matching ones for tonight."

"Cool." Julian nodded. "I guess I'll get new swim trunks."

"I'm starving so do you guys mind if we go to the food court first?" Maria asked.

"I don't." Julian answered.

"I don't either, I'm hungry too."

I never eat breakfast when I wake up, but the thought of the food court's chicken teriyaki made my mouth water. Julian was looking out of the window watching the trees and buildings blur by and I just watched him. I studied his face, his jaw, the way his eyelashes are so perfectly curled that he looks like he has mascara on.

I am so lucky to have this love while I'm here.

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