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"Lyla, have you seen Julian?" I asked when I got to the lunch table."

"Nope. But he was in first period today."

"Yeah I know, he's here...he's just not HERE." I said, scanning the cafeteria for him.

"Did you try texting him?"

"Yeah. But he hasn't responded."

Lyla took a scoop from her fruit cup and shrugged. "Maybe he's making up a test or something."

"Maybe." I agreed.

I finished drinking my juice and eating my fries and dumped out my tray. Lyla looked at her phone and seemed like it was a text she'd been waiting for.

"Lets go outside." She said.

"Eh, why not?" I laughed. Some days we'd sit on a bench in the courtyard and talk until the bell rang, so I didn't think anything of it.

When we got outside there was a crowd of people surrounding something I couldn't see. Awww it must be another homecoming proposal. Lyla and I pushed through and I dropped my backpack when I saw Julian standing with a giant black poster with white letters on it.


I laughed at the photography pun and ran up to him. He dropped the sign and I put my arms around him.

"Yes!" I told him.

Everyone started clapping and I was so happy that I started crying. I've never been the girl who gets asked to dances like this, and I never thought I would be. Julian spun me around and when he put me back on my feet I turned around to see Lyla holding a giant bear and a boquet of yellow flowers.

"Lyla!" I hit her arm. "You knew!"

"Of course I did. Now take the damn bear, it's annoying."

I happily took the oversized bear from her and when the bell rang Lyla ran to get my backpack.

"Alright lovebirds, time to go. Gotta keep our GPA's up." Lyla told us, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards photography class.

"Thank you baby!" I yelled to Julian.

"You're welcome babe!" He yelled back.

When I walked into photography even my teacher said that what Julian did was incredibly sweet, and I got a girl to send me a video of it that she posted on Snapchat. I'd never felt so special in my entire life, and I loved it so much. I texted Julian a three paragraph text message about how happy he made me and how lucky I was to have him. All he said was There's nothing I wouldn't do for my princess.

Julian once told me that he and Jovani hate dances, so I know he's only going because I mentioned that I wanted to. I was just going to go with a group of friends, but now I don't have to, now I can go with my boyfriend.

Today is ganna be a day that I never, ever, ever forget. Just wait until I call my sister, she's ganna die.

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