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When all of the presents were opened I hugged each of my family members and helped clean up the wrapping paper shreds, and bows.

"Sierra wanna help Cassy and I make the gingerbread house?" Maria asked me.

Before I could answer, my phone started vibrating and Julian's name popped up.

"In a few." I answered, and stepped outside onto the porch.

"Merry Christmas my love." Julian said.

I smiled. "Merry Christmas Julian."

"My family is getting ready to go out to breakfast, can I come by now to give you your gift?"

"Uh yeah, sure. I'll be waiting outside."

"Ok. See you in a minute."


I rushed inside and ran upstairs to grab Julian's gift from the top shelf of my closet. Hopefully no one else already got him this...

When I saw Julian walking down the street, towards me, I smiled.

"Aww you look so cute in your onesie." He told me.

"Thanks. Cassy was my secret santa." I laughed.

"Here." He said, handing me a small green bag.

"For you." I said, giving him his wrapped package.

I sat down in the middle of the driveway and he laughed before sitting beside me. I pulled out the red and white wrapping paper to see a white box. I pulled it out and gasped. There are these white and copper metallic headphones that I told Julian about once, I felt like they were too expensive so I told him I wasn't going to tell my mom I wanted them.

"Woah! What!?" Julian gasped at his gift. "Sierra thank you babe!"

I was watching one of his broadcasts when I heard him say that he wished he and Jovani had a better camera for their YouTube videos. So I looked up reviews and bought the best one I could find.

"Thank you so much Julian!"

I gave him an awkward hug, it was awkward because 1) we were sitting and 2) we both had stuff in our lap.

"You're welcome." He said. "I really have to go, I'm sorry."

I took all the excess wrapping paper from him so that he only had to carry the camera box home.

"It's okay." I assured him. "If you're not busy later you can sleep over. I already asked my parents."

"Ok. I'll ask soon and let you know what they say."

"Alright." I nodded.

He gave me another awkward hug and then a kiss. "Merry Christmas Sierra."

"Merry Christmas Julian."

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