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I didn't really see how beautiful Sierra was at the beach the other day, but it's clear as day now. I spotted her sitting at the lunch table across from mine, sitting with my friend Lyla nd two girls I don't know. Her hair is long, dark and curly, and her eyes are brown. When I say she's beautiful I don't just mean her physical features, it was when I heard laughter that I looked up and saw her. Her laugh was so innocent and genuine, like that of a child. She's the type of person whose smile is contagious.

"Hey Julian, wipe the drool from your mouth so we can get some food." My friend Chris joked.

"Funny man." I said, clearly not amused. I walked with Chris and my friend Tyler to the lunch line.

"So who's the girl that you were looking at?" Tyler asked.

I shrugged. "I met her at the beach, her name is Sierra."

"Do you like Sierra?" Chris asked, nudging me.

"I don't even know her, man, but she's cute."

And she thinks I'm cute too.

"Oh." Tyler said, and then the three of us were quiet as we waited for the line to move.

Once we were back at the table with our trays I couldn't help but keep looking in her direction, I wanted her to see me. Tyler started talking about how his summer was, and then Chris took his turn. When it was my turn it took me a second to speak because right when I was about to speak, she looked at me. She smiled and waved her hand. I waved mine back and she went returned to whatever conversation her and Lyla were having.

"Um-Um." I stuttered. "Oh, my summer was good. Jovani and I were on tour for a month and we got to meet a lot of fans. Other than that the most interesting thing I did was go to the beach with my family almost every day."

When the bell rang to signal the end of lunch I dumped my tray and kept my eyes on Sierra's black and white shirt. I rushed toward the same door she was going to and when I was close enough I tapped her shoulder.

"Oh!" She jumped and turned around. "Hey." She smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Hey." I replied.

She pulled a folded blue paper from her pocket and opened it. Her schedule.

"This is embarassing, but can you tell me where my next class is."

I nodded and once we were out of the cafeteria I read her schedule and smiled.

"We have PE together." I informed her. "But anyways um photography is in that building." I pointed to building two. "It's ganna be the on the second floor, first door on the right."

"Thanks so much."

"I have to go this way." I pointed away from building two. "So I guess I'll see you next period."

"Yeah." She was about to walk away, but she stopped herself.

"Uh...Where's the gym?"

"The gray building behind the cafeteria."

"OK." She laughed. "Now I'm done. Bye."


My history teacher spent all class period going over the class syllabus and supply list. Therefore I spent all class on my phone. I was just scrolling down my Instagram newsfeed when a text popped up in my notification bar. I closed the Instagram app and opened the text.

Jovani: The girl from the beach her name is Sierra right?


Jovani: Did you know she's a senior?

I sighed and shook my head. Dang it, no senior is ganna wanna date someone younger than them.

-I do now...

Jovani didn't reply so I just went back to Instagram and scrolled until the bell rang and it was time for last period: P.E.

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