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I sat in my seat and couldn't get comfortable. I put my head against the window and started crying.

"Sierra." Maria said.

"Maria please, I don't feel like talking."

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Julian: Have a safe flight baby. I love you.

I took a deep breath and got an awful feeling in my stomach. This is wrong. I looked over at my sister. "Maria."

She stood up and pulled my backpack out from the storage section above us. She held it out to me and I grabbed it.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"Don't be. I love you." She squeezed me really hard. "Ok now get the hell out of here." She laughed.

I put my backpack on and ran off of the plane and into the airport. Please, please don't let me be too late. I could hear my heartbeat over the sound of my feet against the floor. I ran out to the parking lot and spotted my dad's car. My dad was hugging my mom as she cried and Julian was staring down at the cement, tears running down his face.

"Julian!" I shouted, running towards him.

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