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"Julian!" I heard Sierra yell.

I thought that I was just paranoid, but when I looked up she was really there, running towards me. When she was close enough I opened my arms for her and spun her around. I held her tight, not believing she was really there. I put her down.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I asked her.

"Julian. Tell me you want me to stay."

"Sierra...I want you do do what makes you happy."

"Julian! Please! I need to know that I'm not making a mistake! Please tell me that you want me to stay."

I wiped my eyes. "Sierra. I want you to stay."

She smiled and threw her arms around me. "Then there's nowhere else that I belong."

After a long kiss she blushed and hugged her parents.

"Mom." Sierra said. "I think love is a good reason."

"Me too honey." Her mom smiled.

Her dad hugged her and then shook my hand.

"Julian, thank you for making my little girl so happy."

"Sir, it is me who should be thanking you. Sierra wouldn't exist without you."

He nodded his head and shook my hand again. "Thank you."

Mr.Vasquez went to retrieve Sierra's luggage and then we went to my house to have a not-going-away party.

Words can't explain how happy I am. I need Sierra in my life. I love who I am when I'm with her. She is everything that I didn't know I was missing in my life.

And now she is mine, forever.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please do comment and let me know what you guys think! ❤ Thank you to everyone who has read this far; you're the best. Every vote, comment, and reading list that this story has been added to, thank you! It all means the world to me, thank you so much for the support. I love you. On 3 we say yeet. One...Two...Three...

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