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Part of me was really nervous for Jovani to meet Sierra, but another part of me was excited. Jovani and I packed some drinks and snacks into our small red cooler and then I carried it to the car.

"Jovani, don't forget your towel!" I yelled.

"I got it!" He shouted from inside the house.

Our older sister Andrea first stopped at Sierra's house, and the at Nalah's before starting the drive to the beach. I was sitting in the passenger seat so Sierra sat between Jovani and Nalah.

"Nice to finally meet you Sierra." Jovani told her.

"Nice to meet you too, you're really funny." Sierra complemented him.

"I'm Nalah."

"Nice to meet you." Sierra smiled. "So I assume your Andrea." Sierra guessed.

"Yup," My sister nodded, looking at Sierra through the rearview mirror, "that's me."

When we got to the beach Andrea just stopped in the parking lot, not bothering to park. "I'll be back in 3 hours." She told us.

"Ok." I replied.

Jovani grabbed the cooler from the trunk before I could so I crouched down in front of Sierra, wanting to give her a piggy back ride.

"Hop on." I told her.

She laughed and did as I said. Her legs wrapped around me, and I supported her thighs with my hands.

"Awww, how cute." Nalah said.

I heard Sierra laugh by my ear and she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck, careful not to choke me.

"Gimme your towel. I'll hold it." Sierra said.

I gave it to her and I could feel that she placed it on her body like a blanket.

The four of us chose to set up a spot not too close or too far from the water.

"Anybody thirsty?" I asked, setting Sierra on the ground.

"Not yet." Sierra said.

"Nah." Said Nalah and Jovani.

Jovani layed a big white sheet across the sand and we all put our flips flops on the corners to keep it from flying away. Nalah and Sierra placed their bags in the middle.

"Are we going to the water?" Sierra asked.

"I'm down." Jovani answered.

"Yeah, lets go." I added.

I took off my red shirt and tossed it down on the sheet. Sierra took off her light pink shirt and her gray flowy shorts, tossing them on the sheet also. Now she was holding her hand out for me to grab and I was distracted by the sight of her in her white bikini, which complemented her tan skin and dark hair beautifully.

"Julian." She said, snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry." I laughed and grabbed her hand, walking with her to the water.

"Woah. That's kinda cold." She said as a small wave washed over her foot.

The four of us walked further into the water until it came up to almost our waists. Sierra let go of my hand to swim around and she ducked her head under the surface, when she came back up her curly hair laid flat against her back.

"Sierra you have gorgeous hair." Nalah told her.

"Aww, thanks. So do you." Sierra smiled.

After Jovani initiated a splash war we all went crazy splashing water at one another and then went back to our spot on the beach to make sandwhiches. Sierra shivered in her towel so I scooted close to her and kissed her cheek.

"Do you want my shirt babe?" I asked her. Mine was long sleeved and the one she came in was short sleeved.

"Yes please." She said.

I handed her my shirt and took her towel from her so she could put it on.

"That's better. Thanks." She smiled and looked at me as if she wanted a kiss, but she didn't lean in for one.

Nalah and I listened to Jovani and Sierra go back and forth asking each other questions, it made me really happy to see that Jovani liked her, and she liked Jovani. I can't imagine dating someone that my family doesn't like...so hopefully her family likes me too.

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