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   When the Lilo & Stitch movie finished I looked over at Sierra and saw that she was asleep. I was so into the movie that I didn't even notice she wasn't awake anymore. I shook her lightly.

   "Sierra, I'm ganna go."

   She frowned and stretched her arms above her head.

   "Ok. Thank you for helping me with my ankle."

   "Oh it was no problem."

   I smiled at her and she smiled back. Now would be the perfect time. I leaned towards her with my intention being to kiss her, but I was afraid to do it, luckily Sierra wasn't. When I started to pull away she leaned closer and the space between our lips was gone.

   I was afraid that she was going to end it, but she didn't. We kissed for a few seconds and then I pulled away. A smile formed on her face.

  "I'm sorry." She blushed. "I just didn't wanna wait anymore."

   "It's ok." I laughed. "I didn't want to either." I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my hover board. "Bye Sierra."


   I rushed home, afraid that despite her injured ankle, she'd come outside. I kissed her...or she kissed me...whatever. We kissed. What does it mean? Are we together now? Is it possible that she could like someone in a lower grade and that is younger than her? I guess so.

   When I got home I took a shower, because that's when I do my best thinking. The warm water relaxed me, a little bit.

   Do I tell her about YouNow? Should I? Does this mean she likes me? Are we a couple now? What if she thinks the whole YouNow thing is stupid?

   I couldn't think of what my next move should be so I reluctantly went to my mom. I was afraid she'd have the same opinion as my dad. I was wrong.

   "So you don't think it was bad not to tell her about YouNow?" I asked my mom.

   "No. Because I understand why you didn't want to. Do you want to tell her now?"

   "Yeah. Kinda...because I really like her. If she were to be my girlfriend I can't have this big secret."

   "Ah. I see."

   My mom took a sip of her coffee and shrugged. "I can't tell you what to do. But I can tell you that...if I were you...I'd tell her. Her reaction is important. If she can't accept that YouNow is a big part of who you are then she doesn't deserve you."

   "Thanks mom." I hugged her and went back up to my room  to get Jovani's opinion.

   "Just tell her bro. And if she doesn't like it don't waste your time."

   My mom and Jovani made it seem like it would be so easy to just cut ties with Sierra. But I like her, like I REALLY like her, and if I got to be her boyfriend I'd feel so lucky.

   I don't know what I'm going to do, but I need to make up my mind before I see her at school Monday.



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