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Sierra stopped by my house to say bye to my parents, Jovani, and Andrea, then I rode with her to the airport. She cried the whole ride there and I held her as tight as I could. Maria kept looking at Sierra and frowning, her eyes were watering.

Seeing Sierra cry is like seeing a fairy cry, it's just wrong. I just hope that everything turns out the way she wants it to in New York because she isn't very happy right now. I never expected her to stay, I've encouraged her to go this whole time, if she would have chosen to stay I wanted it to be her own choice.

I told Andrea and my mom that I would do my best to hold myself together until Sierra was gone, but the moment we stepped out of the car my eyes started to sting with tears.

"Julian." Sierra frowned. "I'm sorry."

"No baby, don't be." I grabbed her backpack from her and put the strap over my shoulder and held her hand. "Come on."

Maria walked with her parents and Sierra and I followed behind them. The furthest her parents and I could go was the security check. I gave her one last kiss and then had to let go.

"I love you." She said, her voice cracking.

I wiped her tears with the sleeve of my jacket. "I love you too." I told her.

We watched Maria and Sierra put their shoes into the gray basket on the conveyor belt and then their jewlery. The first tear rolled down my cheek when Sierra set off the metal detector and realized it was because of her necklace. She looked me right in my eyes as the promise was broken.

Promise that you'll never take it off.

I gave her a supporting smile and after she dropped it into the gray basket she walked back through the machine, no alarm sounded. I could feel my heart breaking in my chest. I balled my fists at my side and let the tears fall. Mrs.Vasquez wrapped her arms around me.

"It's ok sweetie. It's ok."

By the time I looked up again she was gone. Gone forever.

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