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I was standing in the lunch line with Lyla when I felt someone come up behind me and cover my eyes with their hands.

"Guess who." The familiar voice said.

"It's Julian." Lyla stated.

"Damn Lyla, well that's no fun." Julian laughed and uncovered my eyes.

I turned around to face him and couldn't help the butterflies I felt in my stomach when we made eye contact.

"How is your day so far beautiful?" He asked me.

"Pretty good, I have a unit test in Econ tomorrow so I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be. You'll do great."

He leaned towards me with little warning and then kissed me. I ignored the gagging noises Lyla made and smiled into the kiss.

"How is YOUR day so far?" I asked Julian.

He squeezed my hand. "Much better now."

I turned away from him to face the right direction in the line, but I was still very aware of his presence. I watched the last few minutes of his broadcast last night and I'm not surprised that "99Goonsquad" is so popular because they are really freaking good at what they do, they're really funny.

I'm not ganna lie, I think it's attractive that Julian has something he's passionate about and takes seriously. Not many guys in my grade have that kind of dedication to anything at all. I do feel a little weird that there are hundreds of girls who call my boyfriend hot everyday, but it makes me feel lucky that he chose me.

When it came time for gym Julian and I walked the track, the only thing different now was that we held hands as we did.

"So I watched the broadcast last night." I told him.

"Damn." He laughed. "I was afraid of that."

"Well I only watched the last 20 minutes or so."

"Ok." He nodded. "And...?"

"And I loved it. I really wanna meet Jovani, you guys are hilarious."

"Seriously? You don't think it's weird or anything?"

"No. It's actually really cool, I'm disappointed that I never knew what YouNow was until now."

"Yeah, it's a cool app. There's a lot of entertaining people that broadcast."

"Maybe. But I bet there's none as entertaining as Goonsquad."

I squeezed his hand and he kissed my cheek. "Thanks babe."

I looked down at the track as we walked, he called me babe. The butterflies in my stomach were back now, and fluttering like crazy.

"So you wanna meet Jovani?"

"Mhmm." I nodded.

"How about this weekend?" He asked. "Jovani and his girlfriend, her name is Nalah, want to meet you. Maybe we could a double date type thing."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. I've never been on a double date before."

"Me either." Julian said.

"Is Nalah nice?" I asked.

"Yeah. Super nice, you'll like her. And I know she'll like you, so will Jovani."

"I hope so." I told him.

Now I had to figure out what I was going to wear and how my hair should be styled. I really want Jovani AND Nalah to like me.

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