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The last few months that Sierra and I had left together flew by. We didn't even go to prom because she was too busy packing. Today is June 10th, and today is Sierra's graduation. I can feel her slipping away from me already, she's started packing up her room and a bunch of her stuff has already been shipped to her Aunt's house in New York.

"Ready to go?" Andrea asked, popping her head into my room.

I adjusted my tie and nodded my head. Andrea and I have been a lot closer ever since the night that I cried in her arms, and I'm thankful for our new bond because she's really nice to talk to.

Andrea came and hugged me. "Try and smile today ok? I know it'll be hard for you, but graduating is a big accomplishment so Sierra deserves to be happy today."

"I know. I'll keep it together." I assured her.

"Okay, then lets go because Dad is already getting impatient."

Sierra invited my whole family to her graduation, which didn't suprise me because my parents treat her like a second daughter and both of her parents love me. Our families have gotten really close and I feel like even with Sierra gone her parents will still have us over for dinner and things like that.

"Mr. And Mrs. Jara!" Mrs. Vasquez yelled. "Here!"

We all took our seats and our parents started talking. I clapped and cheered for the few seniors that I knew, and it took forever to get to Sierra because of her last name (Vasquez). When I heard her name announced and she started walking across the stage our entire row stood up and cheered for her.

"You go baby! That's my baby! Woo Sierra!" I yelled.

She smiled and waved at us. Luckily there weren't many names to call after hers so I soon got to wrap my arms around her.

"I'm so proud of you baby." I told Sierra.

"Thank you babe."

I gave her a quick kiss and then let her go so that everyone else could get a hug too. Today is the start of the rest of her life...I'm happy for her. Even though it hurts.

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