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"I'm really surprised." Maria said.

I finished taping close a box and sat on the floor by my bed, which she was sitting on.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just...I still can't believe that you're doing this. I can see how in love Julian and you are and I can't imagine giving something like that up."

I gulped and took a deep breath. "It isn't easy. I just try not to think about it. I just pack and clean...I don't think about why I'm doing it. Because then I break down."

"Sierra...we're leaving tomorrow. You're leaving tomorrow."

"I know."

"Then how can you not think about it?"

"I just don't Maria. Besides, if I did stay you would never forgive me. You'd hate me, this is our dream."

"Sierra I could never hate you. When did we plan all this? When we were...13 years old? I know that we've grown up since then. I just don't want you to base this off of what other people want. Forget what I want, forget what Julian is pretending he doesn't want. I want you to come, Julian wants you to stay...even though he won't admit it. All that matters is what do YOU want. What will make you happiest? Staying or going?"

I hesitated. "Going."

Maria pulled me to my feet and hugged me. "No matter what I will still love you and Julian will still love you. It's late, we should get to sleep. If you don't come to the airport with me tomorrow, I understand."

   I went downstairs for a glass of water and found my mom sitting at the table reading.

   "Mom. Can I ask you something?" I asked her.

   "Would you and dad be really mad at me if I changed my mind?"

   "No sweetie, as long as you have the right reasons."

   "Is love a good reason?"

   My mom closed her book and stood up. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

   "I can't answer that honey. Only you can. Goodnight."

   "Goodnight mom."


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