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Sierra wanted me to go see her yesterday when her family got back home, but she sounded so tired so I decided to give her time to recover. When she saw me walking towards her lunch table she smiled from ear to ear and jumped up to hug me.

"Julian." She said.

"Hey baby." I squeezed her and Lyla made a gagging noise.

"Lyla shut up, I haven't seen him in a week!" Sierra snapped, making me laugh.

She gave me a quick kiss and then I sat down next to her.

"How was New York?" I asked her.

"It was fun. Our last night there we had a snowball fight in my aunt's front yard."

"Oh, I think I saw that on your snapchat." I chuckled at the memory of watching Sierra's dad fall into a large pile of snow after being shot by Sierra's white sphere. "I'm glad you had a good time."

"Me too, but I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Alright I'm gonna go back to my table, see you last period."

"K." She said.

I went back to my table to eat my food. I missed Sierra like crazy all week, but I had to try not to show it because I don't want to influence her decision of staying or going. It's going to hurt...like hell, but the best thing for her is to follow her dreams.

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