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Ever since New Year's Julian has been extremely supportive of my decision to go to New York. We never fight about it, and if it gets brought up in conversation we handle it really well. Julian says he's fine with doing long distance, but honestly I think he'll break up with me after a few weeks, I've already come to terms with it. I can't ask him to wait for me, I won't ask him to.

Nalah and I are pretty good friends now, and since we have the same lunch she started sitting with Lyla and I.

"You're lucky Julian loves you so much." Nalah told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I asked Jovani last period what he would do if he were in Julian's position and he said there was no way in heck he'd let me leave. At least Julian loves you enough to put your dream before his wants."

Nalah laughed, and so did Lyla, but I just smiled. I am lucky. Very lucky.

"Happy valentines day!" Julian told me, popping up with a pink rose and a heart shaped box of chocolate.

"Awww thank you baby!" I kissed his cheek and took my gifts from him. "I thought we were waiting till after school, your present is at my house."

"Don't worry about it." He told me. He sat down next to me. "Guess what! Jovani and I are signed to a tour. It just happened this morning so I didn't have time to tell you."

"Oh my gosh babe, that's great! When is it?"

"It's not till August. And it's only 6 cities, but I'm so excited! Our parents are even thinking about homeschooling."

I loved seeing the way his eyes lit up and his smile never left his face.

"That's amazing Julian. I'm so proud of you." I hugged him. "Happy Valentine's day."

"Happy Valentine's day."

He gave me a kiss and then walked away leaving me alone with Nalah, Lyla, and my thoughts.

Well at least a tour will distract him a little... It'll give him plenty of time to forget about me.

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