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Sierra's family invited mine over for dinner, even Andrea was excited to come. I rang the doorbell and exhaled when a familiar face opened the door; Sierra.

"Hi guys, come in!" She said, happily.

My mom kissed her on the cheek on the way in and Sierra lead us to the dining room.

"Everyone, this is my older sister Maria. She goes to school in New York, but she's here for Christmas."

"Hi everyone." Her sister smiled. I could definitely see the resemblance, they had the same brownish hazel eyes and curly hair.

"Maria this is Andrea, Jovani, Julian, and Mr. and Mrs.Jara." Sierra told her.

"Great to meet you guys. My parents and sister love all of you. Even little Cassy has a crush on Julian." Maria laughed.

Maria looked at me, and then Jovani, then me, then Jovani.

"Wow." Sierra told me you guys were twins, but this is gonna be hard for me." She laughed. "You look so alike."

"Don't worry. It gets easier." My mom said.

"Julian. You're my sister's boyfriend right?" She asked, still confused by Jovani and I's similarities.

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay." She nodded.

Sierra's mom made white rice with beans and breaded chicken, best meal I've ever had. Our parents went into the living room to talk and Andrea and Maria were at the kitchen table talking about college, Jovani sat next to them, on his phone. Sierra and I worked together to clean up.

"You're sister keeps watching me." I told Sierra.

"You may just be paranoid." She laughed.

I glanced over my shoulder to see that although Maria's mouth was moving to carry on her conversation with Andrea, she was looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"No. I'm not."

Sierra shook her head and started laughing. "So what if she is watching you. It's probably because she's trying to figure out a way to tell you apart from Jovani. She's always been bad about twins."

I decided to just let it go and after Sierra finished washing the dishes I started drying them and putting them away where she told me to.

"Julian, Jovani!" My mom called from the living room. "Time to go!"

I said goodbye to Sierra's parents and Maria, and of course, Cassy. Sierra walked with us to the car and gave me a long hug and then a kiss.

"My sister loves you. I can tell. Now everyone in my family is team Julian." She laughed.

"Good to know." I smiled.

We kissed one more time and then as she walked back into her house, I got in the car.

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