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The hoverboard incident with Sierra happened two weeks ago, and I STILL feel like such an idiot. I should have kissed her. Sierra acted weird around me for a day or two, but we're back to normal now, just friends. And I couldn't be more upset. Lyla told me that there's a boy in Sierra's history class that she thinks is cute...I lost my chance. Not that a senior would ever wanna date someone younger than them anyways.

"It's over man. Sierra likes some kid in her history class." I said to Tyler and Chris at the lunch table.

"Shh." Tyler said suddenly, urgency in his eyes.

I was confused until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Julian." Sierra said.

I turned around and looked up at her. "Hey."

"Can I sit here for a second? I have a question."

"Yeah. Sure." I told her. Chris and Tyler were whispering to each other, but I couldn't make out their words. Hopefully, neither could Sierra.

"I have a project for photography and I was wondering if you're busy tomorrow. "I'd really like you to be my model for one of my pictures. If you don't mind."

"No, I'm not actually. I'd love to do it."

She smiled. "Yay. Okay, um if you can just give me your number I'll text you the details." She handed me her phone and I happily typed my number.

"There ya go."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Or in P.E." I laughed.

"Oh true...I'll just tell you about it in P.E. then. I totally forgot about that."

She walked back to her table and when I turned around Chris and Tyler were smirking.

"She forgot you have gym together?" Tyler scoffed. "Bruh, she just wanted your number."

I laughed. "I don't care, as long as she uses it."

When I got to the boys' locker room I quickly dressed out and joined the rest of my class in the gym. Sierra was hula hooping with our friend Nicole. She's pretty funny and really nice.

"Hey." I said, joining them.

"Julian please tell Sierra that we should join the tennis game."

"Ummm. See...about that."

"See!" Sierra laughed. "Julian doesn't wanna play either."

"Ugh forget the both of you." Nicole dropped her hoop and walked out of the gym to get to the tennis court.

"Um, coach said we can walk the track, you wanna?" Sierra asked me. We usually walk the track.

"Sounds good."

We crossed the street to our football field and started walking on the track that bordered it.

"Ok." Sierra said. "So my project is to take pictures of everyday regular things and make them look extraordinary."

"Haha so you think I'm extraordinary?"

"Well sorta. You have really pretty eyes."


"You're welcome. So I basically just need your eyeball. You can come over tomorrow and I'm ganna shoot in my backyard because there's this bench that the sun hits perfectly and your eyes look nicest in sunlight."

"Hmm. Look at my eyes much?" I joked.

"Maybe a little." She blushed.

"Well I think your eyes are pretty great too."

"Psh. They're just brown."

"Yeah, but they're a pretty brown."

"Oh. Well...thanks."

"And your hair is great too. The curls really suit you."

"Julian stop." She blushed.

I shrugged. "Sorry." I really wasn't sorry.

While we walked lap after lap our conversation never failed to flow. When I'm with her I feel comfortable talking about myself and my family, because I'm not saying anything that she already knows. Although I don't mind talking, I don't mind listening to her either. I love the way her eyes seem to sparkle when she talks about things she loves, like photography, or her sister. When coach Murphy blew his whistle I wasn't happy at the thought of saying bye to Sierra.

We started walking back to the gym to get to the locker rooms.

"Hey Julian, you walk home right?"

"Yup." I nodded.

"Do you mind if I walk with you? Just for today. I have to start walking home and I'm not sure I know the way."

I smiled from ear to ear. "Sure no problem, you can walk with me every day if you want to."

"Thanks." She smiled in response and then walked into the girl's locker room, and I, into the guy's.

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