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   Whenever I heard the gym door open I looked up hopefully, but it was never Julian. What the heck? I saw him at lunch, what happened? Today was another free day in gym so I took a seat in the bleachers once again.

   A girl named Nicole complemented my shirt and then we started talking, so she kept me distracted from wondering where Julian was. When the dismissal bell rang I couldn't help but sigh. It's so weird to miss someone that I don't really know...but I miss him.

   When I got home I took a shower and finished my homework. As soon as I closed my Pre-Calc text book I heard the front door shut, someone is home from work. I went downstairs and smiled at my dad.

   "Hey daddy." I told him.

   "Hi sweetheart." He hugged me and then took off his suit jacket, laying it over the arm of the couch. "Darn it. Sierra can you go get the mail? I forgot to."


   I slipped my feet into a pair of black flats that were by the door and made my way down the driveway. I was about to grab the two thin envelopes from inside the mail box when he called out.

   "Hey Sierra!" Julian was coming towards me, on a hover board.

   I laughed and waved my hand. "Hi Julian."

   When he got to me he stepped off of it.

   "What's up?"

   I gestured to the open mailbox. "Just getting the mail." When I remembered that he ditched me I got upset. "Hey, wait. Why weren't you in P.E.?"

   "Jovani and I had a doctor's appointment."

   "Oh." I wasn't upset anymore. "Ok."

   He hopped back on his black hover board. "Yeah, then my dad surprised us with these."

   He went around me in a circle and I didn't bother spinning around, I stood still.

   "Those things are scary as hell." I told him.

   "Not really. Wanna try?"

   I shook my head back and forth quickly. "Not at all."

   He stopped moving and pushed the mailbox shut with his hand. "C'mon. I won't let you fall."

   I shook my head again and gulped. "I can't. I'm scared."

   He stepped off the board once more and grabbed my hand. He looked right into my eyes. His looked so blue in the sunlight. "I promise, I'll catch you if you start to fall."

   I believed him. For some reason...I believed him.

   "Ok." I nodded.

   I stood behind the board and he explained how to get on. Once I had both feet on I stood up straight and started moving backwards.

   "Lean forward a little." He directed me.

   "Ok." I breathed and adjusted my balance. I slowly crept forward with Julian walking backwards in front of me with his arms open. "Oh my God." I said to myself. "This is terrifying."

   I was doing good until I moved my foot and lost my balance. The board came out from beneath me, but before my balance completely failed, Julian's arms were around my waist, steadying me.

   "It's ok. I got you." He said.

   When I was steady again he didn't move his arms from around my waist. I looked into his eyes and wished he would kiss me, but he let go of me and stepped back.

  "Um." He cleared his throat. '"Not bad for a first time. I fell like 30 times before I could even stand on it."

   I could feel myself blushing, I had to escape.

   "I should go now." I grabbed the mail as quickly as I could and rushed to the safety that was on the other side of my front door.

   Lyla was wrong, he doesn't like me. He would have kissed me if he did.

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