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"Julian!" Sierra screamed when I jumped out from behind a bush. "Damn you! I'm scared enough as it is and we aren't even in the frikin house yet."

I laughed and grabbed her hand. "You'll be fine baby, trust me." I told her.

"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes. "You owe me big time."

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed.

"Hey guys." Nalah smiled, walking up to us with Jovani. "Ready to do this?"

"I guess so." Sierra frowned.

"C'mon Nalah, tell her it isn't that bad." Jovani told her.

"I won't lie, the first time I came here I thought I was ganna pee because I was so scared." Nalah admitted to Sierra.

Sierra hugged my arm and I glared at Nalah. "Good job."

"I'm sorry." Nalah sighed. "But I won't lie to her. If it helps, I really like your vampire costume Sierra."

She flashed a smile at Nalah and she gasped. "Those fangs look very real, thats kinda scary."

"Thanks." Sierra laughed. She didn't ask me to match with her so I was wearing a black shirt with black pants and scarf around my face, I'm a ninja.

"NEXT." Shouted the large muscular man standing by the entrance to the haunted house.

Sierra squeezed my arm and I practically had to drag her into the darkness. When the man with the chainsaw started chasing us down the hall Sierra wouldn't stop screaming and she almost fell on a set of stairs when a woman with black eyes popped up. All in all, it was a good time. When we made it through the house Nalah and Jovani high fived, and I was trying not to laugh at Sierra's dramatic behavior.

"NEVER AGAIN JULIAN!" She yelled at me.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started laughing, and after a moment of glaring at me, Sierra laughed too.

"I thought I was ganna freaking die you jerk."

"You're a vampire, you're already dead." I argued.

I wrapped my arms around her and admired her dark makeup and big curly hair. I leaned in to kiss her, but she turned her head so my lips touched her cheek.

"These things are seriously sharp, I might accidentally bite your lip off." She said, speaking about her fangs.

"Do it you won't." I challenged.

"After what you just put me through in that house...watch your step Jara."

I laughed at the sudden dark turn the conversation took.

"Okay...so lets head over to Lyla's party now huh?" Jovani suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Sierra said, breaking my grip on her.

She walked beside Nalah and Jovani and I walked behind them.

"Those fangs are scary bro." Jovani shivered. "And the red contacts, I can't even look at her."

I shrugged. "I think it's kinda sexy. And anyways..." I spoke louder so that she could here me. "She's all threats and no bite."

She looked over her shoulder at me and laughed. "Watch yourself, I'd hate to see a ninja get beat up by a girl."

"Do it you won't." I laughed.

She came towards me aggressively, but when she was close enough I lifted her off the ground and spun her. I wanted to kiss her, but saw the light reflect off of her fake teeth.

"I better get extra kisses tomorrow since I can't have any now." I kissed her forehead and she laughed.

"Hmm. I'll think about it. Put me down."

I put her down and she walked next to Nalah again.

"She drives me crazy." I told Jovani.

"Yeah, but you like it." Jovani chuckled.

That's true.

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