Chapter 1: Lucky

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Lindsay's P.O.V.

I was sitting down at my desk, chewing on the end of my pen. Scrolling through the tape once again on my computer. The music sounded perfect, just right. I knew this would be a hit. One to be played at clubs and parties. I couldn't wait for it to be out.

A slight knock brought me back to the real world and I motioned them in. My mother, or should I say my adoptive mother, came in with a dish rag. She intently stared at the screen, listening along side of me. After the remaing 1 minute and 34 seconds ended, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek and headed back out to fix supper. 

She was always supportive of me, ever since I was welcomed into her family. It was different, not like most families who adopt. My mother and father already had two kids of their own. One was living on his own, and a boy who was only three years younger than me. Max, my younger sibling, and I hit it off instantly. We both had a  love for video games, and that's how we spent all of our Friday nights.

I never really got to see my older brother, Xavier. Not that I didn't mind. Whenever I did see him, he was always with his girlfriend, who I didn't particularly like. We just weren't on good terms.

Back to the music. I'm not really sure how this all got started. It was actually quite an accident...


"That'll be 24.32 miss."

I payed the cashier the exact money due and took my groceries out of the store. Mother had sent me for some bread, milk, eggs, and other supplies we needed. Since the house wasn't too far away, and I was 15 years old, she had me walk here. I didn't mind either. It was a beautiful day.

I strolled by a building with glass windows that shimmered off of the sunlight. I wondered how much money a person would make a day working in there. I wasn't even paying attention until I heard and unknown man yell.

"God dammit, Josh. I told you to have the photo shoot today. Now she's not going to come back. We're never going to get anyone like here ever again!"

I shot my eyebrow up in confusing and had to cough down my laughter. The man was just straight up hilarious in my book.

The coughing situation didn't go so well as I'd thought, because it caught his attention,"I'll call you right back." I saw him hang up his phone and slip into his pocket. He made his way towards me, and I knew he was rich by his shoes. No one in the right mind would wear such uncomfortable shoes... Even a man.

"You, miss. What's your name?"

I gripped my groceries, afraid to tell him anything,"Lindsay, and who are you sir?" I tried to play on good terms. I had no idea where this conversation could lead to.

"Lindsay, I'm Phil Turner, in charge of one of the most productive modeling companies ever known. How would you like to run a test trial with my team this weekend?"

I felt my mouth gape open slightly and I closed it before he could notice,"W-Why me?"

He smirked at me and brought his hands to his hair,"Dear, you're gorgeous. Call me when you want to set up a shoot." He handed me a card which had letter fixings on top of it and  winked at me before walking away. 

That was odd enough. But it also meant it was a chance of a life time.


I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail, remembering every detail of the memory as if it was yesterday. I never called him, but I called him three months after our encounter. I just wasn't ready for something like that at the time. 

And here I was, Lindsay Haise, model, dancer, and now soon to be singer. All because of a girl who didn't go to a photo shoot. And believe me, I tried to contact the girl. I guess it was private information. It seems silly now that I think about it.

I've been to many red carpet events, many award shoes, tons of photo shoots, and have actually stared in a couple of music videos. I'm not trying to sound full of myself, that'ts just what I have done so far. And now, my new song "All About You" was going to be released to iTunes for the first time. It was quite exciting. 

"Lindsay, dinner!"

I smiled and placed my head band around my head, bounding down the stairs to the dining room. The room was filled with many smells, all including chicken and vegetables; also my favorite type of cheese cake mother barely made.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, running my hands through my pony tail.

She walked around the table to me, as everyone else sat down at the table. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she cleared her voice to get the family's attention.

"This occasion is for our daughter, Lindsay. I just want to thank you for coming into our lives. Without you, we wouldn't have the extraordinary life you have given us. And for that, we want to thank you." 

Tears of joy begun to well up in my eyes as she went on.

"I don't know how you ended up in that orphanage. But look at you now. You're an independent, young girl, who I am glad to call my very own daughter. Thank you, again, for making the last three years of my life worth living."

Max and dad beamed across from me, clapping after the little speech mother had just given. Mom took her seat beside me and begun passing out food.

As I was getting a scoop of mash potatoes, I decided to say something of my own,"That was amazing, and I can't thank you guys enough for welcoming me into your home. Making me feel like I belonged in the world. Making me feel loved for once in my life."

I saw dad mouth the word,'always' and I smiled back at him. Max was busy stuffing his face with chicken as he tried to talk back to me. The whole table burst into fits of laughter, occasionaly food flying from his face onto the table.

It was nice having a family dinner like this. It felt like nothing else was going on in the world. Like this was the only thing that mattered.

Of course, that wasn't always the case.

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