Chapter 36: Just Us

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Lindsay's POV.

My body felt numb, my limbs were weak. I wanted nothing to do with my life anymore. Knowing that Zayn was upset with me, made my life not worth living. All I ever wanted for him was him to be happy, for him to have everything he ever wanted. I kept feeling like I took that away from him. Four days were left. Four days until I would have to leave to my new life that was awaiting me over the Atlantic Ocean. Part of me left me excited, but I was dreading for the day to come.

I couldn't leave my home without clearing things up with Zayn. Even if we were broken up, I'd still want him to understand why I did what I did. Probably Stephanie was mad at me for the way I yelled at her, too. Eleanor, not so much. I got the hint from Steph to not yell at a friend like that ever again.

My blinds were open, and that caused my eyes to fonally not squint. My body was too limp to get up and close it, that I had laid in this position for the past three days. It was dark outside, and it looked like stars were just coming out. Mother was calling me pathetic, but at least my dad was understanding. He said he understood what a broken heart felt like. Only he could make me smile. I just wished he was here, but of course his busy job consumed most of his life.

The last time I ate was last night, and the time on my clock read 9:03. My stomach comanded food, but I didn't feel like eating. Moving my mouth took too much work. That's how I looked at everything. How much movement everything took.

I had tried calling Zayn multiple times, but I knew he would never answer. They always went to voicemail, and I always left him a heart felt one; hoping he would listen to them just to hear my voice. Towards the end of all the messages though, I was always in tears. Then I'd have to hang up because he wouldn't be able to understand me.

He was probably living his life now. As if nothing happened. Maybe meeting some new girls who could treat him better than me. Even though I kept repearting that in my head, I knew that I was the only one who could treat him right. The way he should be treated.

I moved my face so it was stuffed in a pillow and screamed. I didn't want anyone else in the house worrying about me. Max had even come up here and attempted to cheer me up. But nothing worked. The disappointment was evident on his face, and I suddenly felt like the worst sister to ever live on the planet. That was one of the reasons I was screaming into my pillow.

After I lost my breath, I stopped. But once I regained it, I woud continue to do the same for hours until I lost my voice. I didn't want anyone to hear my pitied voice. I took a deep breath, and just as I was about to start over again, a tiny tap stopped me from doing so. I looked over to my door, but that's not where it was coming from. The only place it would be coming from would be...

My window.

This time a jolt of energy surged through me, and I climbed out of bed. Once I tried to put my weight on my legs though, I fell back onto my bed. My feet were still asleep. I shook them for a few seconds, the tapping still coming from my window. I readied myself and walked closer to the glass. I pulled open the blinds so I could see through clearly.

Zayn was down in my back yard, throwing small pebbles on my window. Just seeing him here brought joy to me. And I couldn't help but smile. I didn't care if he broke up with me. He was here, and that's all that mattered to me. I clicked thewindow open, and used all of my strength to slide it open.

I poked my head through and stared down at him, a smile still plastered on my face,"What are you doing here?"

He dropped the remaining rocks he didn't throw and said back to me,"Your mum wouldn't let me through. I had to talk to you."

"What did you want to talk about?" I whispered back.

He took another step closer to the house,"You need to know that I was wrong. I was wrong about everything. I should've let you explain. Even though you tried, I ignored you. And I do support you in your decision. I'll always be here to you." I laughed while a small cry excaped my lips. My body was turning to be so much more happier.

I spotted some rustling in the bush beside him and out came Niall with a guitar. My hand instantly held my mouth, I didn't want any more weird sounds coming out of my mouth. A soft tune came from the guitar, Niall's hand forcing the sound. A light hum came from Zayn's lips before and he began to sing softly to me, my favorite song of his. Truly Madly Deeply.

Just as I thought Zayn was about to sing, Liam stepped out and started singing his line. Like how the song actually goes.

Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?
I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me.
Or did I dream that we were perfectly intwined?
Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine.

Nialls' sweet voice soon filled the air.

Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss.
And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this.
I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl.
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world!

Harry then Louis came out in both different places and came together to stand on either side of Zayn, singing the chorus.

Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with yo
In love with you.

My elbows were propped up onto the window seal, my hand pressed to my right cheek. Why was he even doing this? I didn't deserve this. This only proved how good he was to me. After Liam finished his other part, Zayn took a few steps forward away from them. The guitar continued to play but he wasn't singing. Instead, I watched as he climbed up a ladder. I never remembered having a ladder on the side of my house. But once he climbed up, he was only a foot away from my face.

Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this.
I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it.
'Cause here's the tragic truth, if you don't feel the same.
My heart would fall apart if someone said your name.

Then all five boys joined together and sang it all. Zayn grasped my hand and I kiss the top of his hand, showing him that I forgave him. Of course, I would. What else would I do? Niall strummed it one last time, ending the song. The boys took a step back before departing the back yard, leaving us two alone for the first time in what felt like forever.

"I can't believe you just sernaded me in my back yard." I chuckled, leaning my forehead against his.

I felt his pressure back onto my head as he whispered,"I love you."

I nodded my head and smiled,"I love you." I cupped my hands behind his neck and forced my lips onto his. Since the window was blocking us, he couldn't do much to show his action. We separated for a few seconds as he climbed in. But once both of his feet touched the ground, we were entangled in each other. My hands were in his hair, both of our lips attached to each other again. The love was never ending between us. I never wanted it to stop.

I laid back down on the bed, his lips still on mone as I brought him down with me. My hands were forceful on his neck, making sure I wasn't missing anything I was supposed too. I wanted him, so bad. The fact that I made my parents a promise was erased in my mine. I needed him, more than ever.

My hands played with the hem of his shirt, but that's when he pulled away from me,"I can't Lindsay, I respect you and your parents too much for that."

"Zayn," I whined,"I want you." Our hands were molded together, and I was anxiously waiting for his answer.

He pressed his soft lips to my forehead, before laying beside me,"I just can't, you're leaving in about three days." Realization struck me and I frowned. What would happen with me and Zayn now that everything was perfect. He laid under the covers with me, our legs intwined. My head was was on his chest, and my body was curled up against his. Warmth washed over me as I forced my mind to forget about all my problems. Including the ones from New York.

For the next three days, it would just be me and Zayn. Nothing else.



I hope you guys liked this one! I absolutely love Truly Madly Deeply with my whole heart. One of my favorite songs. So the end is near. I think I'll have about two more chapters and then maybe in a week I'll begin writing the second book. I hope everyone who read this book will read the second!

I'm also coming up with another book called 'The Voice.' It's about a girl who edits Little Mix's music. Perrie fractures something in her throat and can't sing for a long while. So Lilly, the girl, fills in cause she has an amazing voice but keeps it in hiding. Then Zayn and Perrie are forced to go out, and he eventually falls in love with Perrie's voice. But he doesn't is that he actually fell in love with Lilly's voice. I think it will be really good.

I don't know why I've been wanting to write Zayn Malik fanfctions instead of Louis. I just do. 

Please vote and comment! It would mean a lot!

-Taylor xx

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