Chapter 30: Finally

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Lindsay's POV. 

I slammed his door shut, locking it behind me. I was so mad. So mad at myself for being so stupid, so mad at everyone else. More importantly, they all saw the truth reveal. The cuts that I've made, every single one of them. Most of them were still fresh. 

I closed my eyes shut and put my hands to my hair, tugging it by my fists. The tears were never ended and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I let out choked sobs, muffled by my screams. Pacing the room, I realized I needed something to get my anger out. Everything that was feeling, out actually. 

Looking back and forth, I saw the mirror and looked at myself. I was so ugly, a despising character. A nobody. Maybe people knew me, but they didn't understand what I've been through.  I beat my hands onto the mirror, crying out in pain. Getting up swiftly, I grabbed the nearest item to my right and threw it as hard as I could at the mirror. At that moment, I didn't care that it wasn't my property. 

The glass shattered into a million pieces, and I set my body down against it. The shards of the glass moved around, making room for my body as my hands pushed them away. I fumbled with the item that I threw, wiping my eyes in the process. My breath hitched and made me smile, but it was soon covered by quick cries. 

The item was a silver picture frame. But what it held meant the most to me. It was a picture of me and Zayn, us in the sunglasses when we were walking out on the board walk. That day had many good memories to always be kept with me. Some that I would always treasure. Something I would never get tired of. I didn't know why he had that picture of us, but at this moment I didn't care.

"Lindsay? Open up, please. Or I'll break down the door." Zayn's voice said through the wooden door. I didn't want him to see me like this, in such a horrible state. I wasn't ready for whatever he had to say. But I knew I would have to face him some time or later. 

I unlocked the door and ran across the room in a corner, trying to keep myself as small as possible. He pushed through and his eyes instanly met mine. Sympathy ran through him, and he stepped closer. But he soon stopped once he heard the crunch of the glass underneath his foot. He looked down and picked some of it up, then picked the frame up. Luckily it wasn't damaged.

He knelt down in front of me, grabbing my hand softly, but not before I pulled them away,"Why are you doing this to yourself?" I looked up at his eyes sadly, not wanting to hide from the lies any further. I stood up, grabbed his hands, and sat on the bed. His body soon joined my, sitting across from me. I flipped my arms over, shwoing him the scars.

I grabbed his shaking hand, and formed it into a pointer with his index finger. Sliding it to the first scar on my wrist, I began to speak wearily,"This was when my parents died. When I thought God didn't love me." I slid his finger down to the next one,"This was when I was transfered to many foster homes, thinking no one wanted me." And I moved his hands along all of them,"When my parents adopted me, thinking that they were only sorry for me. This was for when Brian had first abused me." I kept moving his hand down,"When I was offered a modeling career, cause I thought they were joking with me." I laughed a little, sniffing,"Obviously they weren't.

"For when I got my purity ring, cause I had believed they didn't trust me. When I thought my older brother didn't care about me." Moving along the line, until I came down to the most recent one. I stopped his fingers there, and looked up at him. He noticed my hesitance and stared at me right back. I gulped and took a deep breath, not breaking eye contact with him,"For when I fell in love with Zayn Malik, thinking that he would never love me back."

Every thing was moving in slow motion at this point. Zayn brought his thumbs to my cheeks, wiping off all of my tears that were shed. Pressing his soft hands to the back of my neck, and pressed our foreheads together whispering to my face,"I've always loved you, I just never realized it until now." This was what I had been waiting for.

His lips pressed against mine, making a slow rhythm as mine moved back against his. This time, nothing was forced. Our love for each other was real. It was just us, ourselves. We truly had real feelings for each other. And everything that had just happened, was now forgotten. Cause right now, it was just us. Just us and the world. 

I could have forever with him. I wanted to  spend the rest of my life with him. He was the one, the one I had dreamt about meeting when I was so young. My prince charming. My knight in shining armor. Zayn Malik, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

Zayn's POV.

The girl that I love, was in my arms now. She fell alseep, her head rested on my chest. Her tear stained cheeks, the girl I could call my mine. And actually mean it. Knowing that she loved me the way I loved her sent butterflies to my stomach. That seems a little girly for a man, but I really felt like that.

But then I laid there, thinking of her cuts. Why would a beautiful girl like her cut her perfect skin? After she explained to me why she did them, starting with her real and adoptive parents to the hate she always recieved, broke my heart. I felt like the mirror. Borken into a million pieces. 

But now that I knew she would never attempt it again, soothed me. She had me to help and protect her. And it made me smile, because I no longer had to pretend for the crowd. I could finally act like myself, which isn't everyday that I get to do that. I was happy she shared her feelings with me. It meant that she trusted me, knew that I wouldn't tell a soul. And she was right, because I wouldn't.

If any guy made one negative comment to her or looked at her in a rude way, he was going down with a fight. She needed to know that she was more than just another human being. There was no way I could let her keep living her life like that. Or thinking that. 

The boys and the girls were probably wondering if Lindsay was okay. I couldn;t even imagine how Liam would feel, knowing that he caused the most of this to happen. But it wasn't his fault, he didn't know. I would just lay here with her, one cause I didn't want to deal with the crowd.

Second, was because I didn't want to leave her.



D'Aweeee, Zayn is such a sweet heart. Ugh, even I am having feels right now. This isn;t supposed to be happening. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

The Heat, with Sandra Bullok, best movie ever. Sorry if I mispelled her name. But it was freaking hilarious. Seriously, everyone needs to go see it.

I had an amazing day spent with the people that I love, so that's good.

Please vote and comment! I'd appreciate it!

-Taylor xx

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