Chapter 23: Mixed Signals

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Lindsay's POV.

I don't remember much from last night. All I know is Brian appeared in my dreams, coming after me; but Zayn protected me and risked his own life for me.

I woke up in shivers, on the verge of crying. Taking in that Zayn was alive, I relaxed a little but was still tense. The thought of him dying? I couldn't even comprehend with the question.

Getting out of Zayn's arms, trying to not wake him up, I headed down stairs. I knew by now the boys would be home, so I had to be extra quiet. Just because Zayn was a heavy sleeper did not mean the other boys weren't.

My eyes still felt swollen from all the crying. But now that I think of it, I didn't even remember crying last night. It must have been when I was having that terrible dream. That made sense.

Grabbing a waffle and popping it in the toaster, I glanced at the clock. It was almost four in the morning. Why was I even up at this hour?

I shook my head at the thought of it, just waiting for my waffle to be ready. I heard some mumbling come from the back porch and I hesitated before looking behind the curtain.

Who ever it was deserved privacy right? But who ever it was, they seemed pretty upset and comfort was what they needed. Pulling the curtain back, I saw that it was Liam. His head in his hands, crying.

Well, this week was turning out to be fun. Hint the sarcasm.

I opened the door, loudly so he would know someone was here. Walking behind him, I plumped down next to him and patted his knee.

His eyes were blood shot,"What's wrong?"

Liam took in a few shaky breaths before he could go on,"Danielle, we... She broke up with me." My heart shattered at his words.

I remember accidentally walking into his room last week, an seeing all the pictures he had of them in frames. I knew he loved her with all his heart, because even I yearned for a relationship like it. Liam deserved better than her, but I guess he didn't know that yet.

"Hey, it's okay. She doesn't know what she's doing." I wrapped my arm around him and rubbed his back. Comforting guys was much more different than girls. You could cheer them up by sending mean texts to their ex boyfriends and a smile would appear.

But will guys? It was like a mine field. One wrong move and everything could go wrong. Especially with a broken heart like Liam's.

"I don't think she ever even loved me!" He cried out, which his voice scared me at first. Now this situation was for Zayn. He would know how to handle this. I don't. The best I could do was be here.

I spent the last hour talking to him, sharing laughs and jokes with him. Just to make him smile. And I was never disappointed. Seeing him smile, meant the biggest thing to me.

I also learned lots about his childhood. How he was born with only one kidney, bullied in school, and how he always felt like he was out of place.

"Look where you are now though. So much higher than them." I gave him a gentle squeeze which cause his lips to form into another smile. But mine soon disappeared when I saw him coming closer.

Now before I could stop him, millions of questions were running through my head. Literally. What was he doing? What led him onto this? Why wasn't I stopping?

And before I had any time to react, his soft pink lips had crashed against mine. The feeling left me tingly inside, but I wasn't kissing back. He was kissing my paralyzed lips. No matter what, I had my mind set on Zayn.

He pulled back and looked down, sort of angry,"I'm sorry, that was stupid."

I played with my hair, not caring for the awkward tension,"It's fine. Lets just forget about it, okay?" We agreed and started to head inside. But before I could reach the door, he stopped me. What now?

I crossed my arms and rocked back on my heel,"What do you wanna talk about now?"

"Just he perfectly honest with me, okay? Do that and I won't tell a soul about it or the kiss." I scrunched my eyebrows together and nodded. Black mailer,"Do you really like Zayn?"

There was no use in hiding it now. He knew that we were set up for publicity, and he would understand if I said no to him. But I couldn't. This was the one lie I could not tell.

"Yes, I really do." He nodded his head and opened the door for me. I just prayed he wouldn't tell Zayn that. I would be mortified if he found out and didnt feel the same way. It would kill me.

Louis and Harry were up already, and were snuggled up on the couch watched the television. Laughter erupted through the room when something funny came on and it made me smile. I needed a really good friendship with someone.

My eyes widened as I realized who that might be. I ran upstairs, careful not to wake up sleeping Zayn, who in my defense looked absolutely adorable sleeping, and grabbed my phone off of the charger.

Scrolling through my contacts while walking down the stairs, I hit Stephanie's number and sent a text to her.

'Hey Steph! Wanted to know if you want to hang out! Text me back when you can! xx -Lindsay'

It was seven so I didn't expect an answer back for another hour or so, but I didn't mind waiting.

I was making myself a cup of coffee when my phone went off. I rushed over to it, turning the sound down low. I totally forgot about it.

'That sounds great, actually! I was going to go shopping today. I'll pick you up at 10? -Steph'

I smiled and replied, giving her the boys address in return. This would be good for me. After hanging out with boys all day, it would be good to get some girl time to myself.

Hopefully Zayn wouldn't freak out this time.



Hey guys!

Nothing much in this chapter except for Liammmmmm!

Does he have feelings for her? Will she end up falling for him? Who knows! I'm still deciding!

Please vote and comment when you can! And tell your friends about my story! It would be appreciated!

-Taylor xx

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