Chapter 27: Into Place

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Zayn's POV.

I cringed as the front desk said honey moon suite. Lindsay looked like she was about to rip someones head off, and it didn't matter whose head it would be. Before she could make any rash decisions, I pulled her hand and led her to the elevator. The ride was silent. She was mad at me, and that was okay. Because she had every right to me.

Slipping the card through the door, I heard the beep sound signaling we had unlocked our door. Pushing open, I saw the bed and I was about to push Lindsay out before she could see it. But it was too late. The bed had red sheets and was in the shape of a heart. A love seat was sitting across the bed. The small kitchen that was very well... very decorated. That's all I was going to say about it.

Lindsay didn't take in the surroundings as long as me. She went straigh into the room and threw her, I mean my, sweat shirt on the bed. I walked over as well, gently tossing the bag on my side of the bed. She looked over at me and attempted to push my bag off of the floor, but failed miserably because I wouldn't allow it.

"You're not sleeping here." She grumbled.

I unzipped it, getting my toothbrush and tooth paste, about to head to the bathroom,"Last time I checked, I paid for the room. I'll sleep where I want. You may do as you please." I slammed the bathroom door shut, locking it behind me. Moving my arm back and forth, I hummed a slight tune while brushing my teeth. As well as combing through any knots that were left in my hair. 

Walking back out, Lindsay was on her phone on the other side of the bed. The far side, as far as the bed allowed. I smirked. I had a feeling this would happen. Maybe she wouldn't be in my arms tonight, but at least I would get a good night sleep knowing she would be with me. My thoughts kept wandering back to Brian. Even thinking about him disguested me. He was so... cruel.

Slipping under the covers, I flicked the lamp off and I was soon listening to the sound of her breathing. Just by listening to it though, I could tell she was awake. I moved around a few times in the bed before I finally got comfortable. Any times I would close my eyes, tried counting sheep, I would still end up being wide awake. Maybe it was the party. 

I shook my head and rolled over on my side so my back was facing her,"Have you heard from Brian?"

She shifted in the sheets too,"No, why do you care?" I felt like punching myself in the face. Instead of answering her, I got up and rummaged through my bag in the dark. Once I felt the fimiliar relief box, I walked out onto the balcony and looked up at the sky. The cool air felt amazing, after being in such a hot room. Fumbling with the box, I popped it open and lit a cigarette.

I knew this was bad for me, but I had too. It had been too long since I had done it, and now was as good as any time to take one. It would make me feel so much better about the situation I was currently in. I brought it to my lips slowly, coughing once I breathed it in. Spitting over the edge, I put it out and started coughing severely. I had forgot about what it was like to smoke.

The door slid open and I paid no attention to it. I knew who it was, who else could it be? She handed me a glass of water and I drank it thankfully. The cold water relaxing my throat better than the smoke did. I looked over at my stack of cigarettes and threw it in the trash can that was placed on the deck. Since I could barely breath while smoking, it was probably better if I didn't try it again. My mum would be proud of me at least that I finally quit.

"I'm sorry, about what I said in there. I know you care about my safety, and I respect that." Still not saying anything, I spinned the glass cup in my hand wiping some of the condensation off of it that still remained on it. Even though she was still mad at me, at least she was trying to lighten the mood up. But just because she was still mad at me, also gave me the right to be mad at her. And I was. For what, I'm not sure. But for something.

Leaving her out there alone, I came back inside and tried to fall asleep again. I was planning on having the barbecque tomorrow, so I would have a free day to myself to do whatever I please. Smiling to the thought of that, I drifted off into closure.

I woke up to a head of blonde hair and recognize it as Lindsay. Our legs had found their way together, as well as my arms around hers. I untangled myself from her before she woke up. That was an arguement I wanted to avoid at all costs. But a smile was on my face the whole time. It wasn't a coincidence that we ended up like that. We obviously had real feelings for each other.

I laughed silently to myself, shaking my head. There was no way she really liked me. I knew well enough about that whole situation with Perrie. But because of that didn't mean I couldn't still like Lindsay. It would be nice to dream, though.

I walked out of the hotel room, my hair a mess, heading down to the lobby for the free breakfast they provided guests. Scooping up some eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast onto one big plate for the two of us, I pured two glasses of orange juice into cups and started to head upstairs. Gladly no one was down there, so that meant not screaming girls or pictures. Today would turn out just fine.

I made it safely back to the room without spilling anything. Setting it down on the table, I walked over to my phone and dialed up Niall,"Hello?" His irish accent was very clear and so was his morning voice.

I chuckled,"Sorry I woke you up, mate. I realize it's..." I looked over at the clock and my eyes widened,"6, but I wanted to let you know we should have the barbecque around noon. Invite the boys, close friends, and their girlfriends or whatever."

"Sounds fine." I heard a sound pop and I assumed it was his back from stretching.

"I gotta go, Lindsay's about to wake up." I hung up, grabbing the plate of fod and sitting down next to her. I pushed some hair off of her face and that caused her eyes to flutter open. She smiled at me, then noticed the food in my hands, and sat straight up. Snatching the food away from me, she stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth.

"It feels like it's been forever since I've ate." I laughed at her and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes. I wasn't in any rush to get going, but I knew we would have to leave soon. I remembered my promise I made her last night about telling her parents. There was no way I was going to let them believe that we did something with each other. I respected her way too much for that.

I lenaed my head back as I stood in the shower, the water running down my back. And at that moment, all the memories of Lindsay came flooding through my mind. Where I first saw her in a magazine, modeling, seeing she was so beautiful. To talking to Simon about dating her. Seeing her for the first time at the concert. Our constant fighting that never seemed to end. Her being honest with me about her past. Just, everything.

Then last night came back to my head. I was such a coward. A jerk. A dick. I should've listened to her when I heard her screaming. I had taken it way too far. I hurt one of my own band mates. I even saw fear through all my other friends after the dreadful event took place. I would need to apologize to them before the small party started. I wouldn't want things to be awkward. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong ideas.

Lindsay made me quit smoking, volunteer for more stuff, just changed my personality altogether. But at some times she brought the worst out into me. Sometimes I couldn't even control what I was feeling. It just felt better when I let it all out, so that's what I did.

I needed to get my life straight and back into place.

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