Chapter 10: Partially the Truth

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Lindsay's POV.

I had caught a taxi, approximately at 7:06. Just in time for dinner that would be held at my house. Zayn had tried calling three times but to no avail, I didn't answer.

Instead I went shopping, buying things that would help me get out of my depression state.

I bought mother some new cook books, Max some video games, and my dad a new watch. Also some cute new accessories for myself. Today was a good day.

I paid the driver the amount due and walked up the steps to my house. I brought my key out and unlocked the door. It was pitch black.

Shutting the door behind me with my foot, I walked around looking for the light switch.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Just as I spoke, I turned the lights on. My mother was bent over the couch, along with... Zayn. He was rubbing her back.

Both of their faces snapped up to meet my gaze,"Is everything alright? What happened?"

My mother came running at me full speed and engulfed me in a hug. She was crying, but now they were tears of joy. I hung back onto her, unsure of what was going on.

When she pulled me back, she grabbed my face in between her hands,"Don't ever do that to me again. Where the hell were you?!"

I cocked my eyebrow as I glared over at Zayn,"I went shopping. Why? Where did you think I was?"

She cleared her throat and led me over to sit down on the couch,"Zayn came over with some medicine. Said your head hurt. But when I told him you weren't here, he told me the conversation you two had over the phone. Why didn't you tell him where you were?"

My eyes widened after every sentence she spoke,"I just wanted alone time, that's all."

"You can still have that, as long as you call me or someone else first."

I clenched my fists and stood up. Not wanting to speak anymore. I gripped my bags and ran into my room. Throwing all the items on the floor, I ran onto the bed.

I cried into my pillow. For everything that I've been holding back. For Brian. For Zayn. For my mother. For the cameras. The paparazzi. The fame. Everything.

Why was it all so hard?

Zayn's POV.

I watched as Lindsay ran up the stairs. Her mother was about to follow her, before she stopped. I didn't know what to do. Lindsay was hurting, and I didn't know why.

"Zayn?" I hadn't noticed I had begun to walk out. I was already close to the door.

"Do you think... Maybe you could talk to her?" I sighed and looked at her mother in the eyes. I couldn't see the resemblance at all between her and Lindsay. They looked nothing alike. Maybe she looked like her father.

I nodded my head assuringly, giving her a tight squeeze before running up the stairs following her footsteps.

I pressed my ear to the door before I walked in. You could hear the sobs before even coming in. I knocked lightly, so she would be aware of someone's presence.

Shutting the door behind me, I sat at the edge of her bed. Her shoulders wouldn't stop shaking and I had no idea what to do. I was hopeless.

"Mom, ju-just leave."

I placed my hand on her leg, down by her calf,"This isn't your mom."

She finally looked up at me, meeting my eyes. Her cheeks were stained from all the crying. It had only been a short minute. Something must be seriously wrong.

"What do you want?" She muttered at me. She brought her pillow to her body, clutching it tightly.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?"

She had a lot to explain. I had no clue what was going on. She sat up against the head board and moved her bangs away from her face.

"Where to begin?" She laughed lightly, brushing away a few tears that kept spilling.

"When you guys left to go get in line for the ride, I began to wander around the park. I heard some people running so I thought it was you guys obviously. But it wasn't. It was paparazzi. They said some hateful stuff about me being a bitch and me sleeping around. I guess I just snapped and went off on them."

I knew I should've told her I saw them. But I didn't think they would hurt Lindsay like that. I shouldn't of left her alone. Big mistake.

"That's why I told you I was at home. I needed time to myself." I nodded my head, keeping it low.

"Are you okay?"

She shrugged at me,"I guess. I'm just really tired."

I picked myself up, giving her some privacy. It was my time to leave.

"I'll be going now. And I wanted to apologize earlier, on the ferri-"

She put her hands up to stop me,"No. I don't want to hear it. I thought we would be able to be friends at least during these twelve months. In all honesty, I don't think that'll work. Please don't take it the wrong way, I just can't look at you the same." She said everything in a harsh whisper, probably not wanting her mom to hear us.

I wanted to say something, but I knew that whatever she would say next would over power me. I had lost.

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