Chapter 12: Soup

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Zayn's POV.

I was pulled into the driveway of Lindsay's neighbor. It has been two days since we talked. All I wanted to do was talk to her, straighten things out.

I know this is stalkerish. I was here the last two days, to see that her car was still parked. She hasn't left since the whole fight.

I decided to scroll through my twitter feed, just to waste some time. Pictures and new headlines were coming up, wondering if we had broke up. It's not like I didn't call her, I tried. But it always went straight to voice mail. I was beginning to get worried.

I heard a door close and I turned my head to her house. Sure enough it was Lindsay. She was dressed in an old tshirt and some baggy sweat pants with sneakers. Her hair was put into a messy bun, covered with a blue baseball cap, and some shades.

Her head bobbed left and right, checking for cameras I'm guessing, before she went to her car. I heard the engine start and I started mine as well, quietly.

Where was she going, dressed like that? No celebrity in the right mind would do that. She's just embarrassing herself. Not my problem.

She has been driving for 15 minutes. We were in an old town that looked like it would fall apart any minute. I looked to the sides of the roads to see homeless people. I didn't want to think about that so I kept my eyes locked on her tail lights.

Finally, she pulled off to the side and I went to the other side of the street. Putting my hood up and my sun glasses on, I looked back at her.

She got out, looked a little in a hurry, and opened her trunk. Then she grabbed two big bags full of... groceries? What was she doing?

Getting out of my car, I ducked my head low and followed her. I was surprised she hasn't spotted me yet.

We were walking in an alley when she went to a door on the right. Before I went in, I noticed the lights beaming above it. The sign read 'Soup Kitchen.'

My eyes widened in shock. I knew Lindsay was always a sweet girl, but she did this too? Pulling the door open, I felt the depression sit down on me. People were scattered everywhere at different tables. Now was that time I had no idea what to do.

"Hello, sir. Would you like to eat?"

I turned around, making a mistake as I did so, to see a beaming Lindsay. Her smile went down, as realization began to settle in.

"Have I seen you before?" I averted my eyes behind the shades, pulling my jacket around my face.

I coughed, trying to deepen my voice,"Um, no. I've never seen you before." I failed at my attempt.

"What are you doing here?" She growled. I sighed and took my glasses off. My identity was exposed. No use in hiding it now.

"Did you follow me?" I looked up to see her eyes full of anger. She chilled me right to the bone.

I rubbed the back of my neck,"Y-Yeah..."

She pulled my arm, and we ended in the back of the kitchen. Bunch of orders were being yelled around, and some stares were being laid onto us.


I inhaled some air and let it out,"I'm sorry about our argument. I understand you're upset with me, I know. I've been at your house for the past two days, seeing if you left. And you didn't." I took a glance from her, her eyes still narrowed down on me.

I continued,"So when I saw you leave your house, I of course followed. Then you came to this old town, dressed like that, and it still didnt make sense. Not until I saw the sign above the door."

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