Chapter 34: Let it be a dream

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Lindsay's POV.

I waited at one of the tables in the corner of Starbucks. I was munching one a small muffin, taking sips of my coffee. Stephanie and Eleanor hadn't arrived yet, and it was driving me insane. I couldn't bare to keep this secret for long. It was eating me from the inside out.

A little bell dinged and two familiar faces walked through the door. They spotted me and smiled, sitting down at my table. I let them order the food and drinks they wanted, me paying for them. It was the least I could do. Stephanie look uncomfortable. One, she didn't know Eleanor that well. Two, she kept eyeing me weirdly, wanting to know why they were called here.

"You're probably wondering why I called you both here." I moved a crumb between my thumb and index finger, watching thm nodding suspiciously. Eleanor probably thought that I just wanted some girl time. I took a deep breath,"I'm moving to New York in less than two weeks. I wanted to tell you first because you guys are my best friends." Stephanie choked on her drink and Eleanor looked calm, but kept her eyes narrowed at me.

She propped her elbows up on the table,"Is this some kind of joke?"

"Yeah, please explain where all of this is coming from. From the beginning." Stephanie was getting slihgtly irritated, and I scolded myself for thinking how easy this would turn out. Of course they wouldn't agree with me at first, but I would just need them to be with me at the end.

I started from when the photoshoot was done, Mrs. Sellars pulling me into her office. How she explained all the good things I would get and everything that would come my way. From the apartment, being one of Elle's permanent models, the paycheck, everything. And after I was finished telling them everything, I realized I hadn't been more sure of anything in my entire life.

Eleanor was with me on it, just like I expected her too. She was already bouncing up and down in her chair when I mentioned Lucy Sellars name. She never failed to put a smile on my face. But Stephanie on the other hand wasn't all that sure. She reminded me that I was leaving my life behind, but I kept telling her I was leaving it behind for better, new one.

"What about Zayn? You guys just confessed your love for each other." That brought my mood down instantly, and it did with Eleanor's too. Of course I would miss Zayn, I hated when my parents brought that situation up. And now my friends?  This was a good choice, I knew it. There was no way backing out of it now, anyway.

I sighed, finishing my coffee,"I will, but he'll understand hopefully. Just don't tell anyone. I have everything planned out. I'm telling the boys next, and saving Zayn for last." I knew by their expression that they both didn't agree with with how I was sharing the news. They probably wanted me to tell everybody at the same time. But that was surely to cause some drama that wasn't needed.

We eventually parted, both of the girls on my side at the end. Now for the boys. I told them to get rid of Zayn for about an hour, and they said he went to visit his family in Bradford this morning. He wouldn't be back until late tomorrow night. Liam kept texting me, asking why that was so important. All I responded with was to have all of the boys gathered at their flat in ten minutes.

I was already on my way. Deciding on when to tell Zayn, I agreed with myself it would be tomorrow. Then, we would have two more weeks together and they would surely be magical. We would work something out for long distance wise, and everything would turn out fine. I know it would.

Zayn kept trying to call me numerous times, in which I only ignored him. He probably would be pissed at me when he came home, but by then I would explain to him what's been going on. What's been keeping me from answering his calls. 

The gate was already open at the boys flat and I drove him, quickly parking my car and hopping out. This time, I would take no time explaining it to them like I was with the girls. The door wasn't even locked, like they told me, so I barged in seeing that they were all gathered in the living room. Once all four pairs of eyes made contact with mine, I sat in a single chair facing each and every one of them. 

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