Chapter 19: Cheeky

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Zayn's POV.

I saw Lindsay tense up when Shyanne, the interviewer, brought up the tour. Why though? Phil had told us that she knew and was prepared. Our last week, he even scheduled Lindsay to stay with me for a whole week. Which included spending the night. I don't know if I could handle that.

I was told to stay away from Lindsay so she could focus on the fashion show, so I did. That meant I couldn't even go to the soup kitchen. I really wanted to go, I honestly did. And I knew she was upset about that. It was obvious.

Shyanna kept checking me out, giving me winks and cheeky glances. It disgusted me. I had my heart set on Lindsay. And in a way, it was good that I had time away from her. All I thought about was my feelings for her, to see if they really were real. And they were.

When the show was closed off, Lindsay left me sitting on the seat. Shyanne raised her eyebrow, confused. I laughed it off and chased after her, grabbing her hand. She didn't even bother to hold back. At least I was playing my part. I was enjoying it, other than her attitude. 

I was about to walk with her into her room but she rudely slammed the door in my face. I stood back, stunned that she was doing this in public. Did she not care?

I heard a cough and I turned my head to see Shyanne with a little smile,"Hey. Lindsay seems to enjoy you."

I sighed and leaned my weight on one leg,"Okay."

She bit her lip,"Here's my number, if you ever get tired with her. Call if you wanna have some fun."

She turned to walk away when I shoved her against the wall lightly, close to the door,"You know what? No. You need to stop and get a life besides just sleeping around with other men. Never in my life would I sleep with you." I saw tears in her eyes and I didn't even feel guilty. Somehow, I felt like she was insulting Lindsay.

I felt a hand against my back and I looked around to see it was Lindsay. She was pulling me back into her room, and I obliged. Of course, what else would I do? When she shut the dor, she sighed.  Shit was about to go down.

"Why did you ditch me Saturday?" A sad look was plastered on her face and it broke my heart. I hated seeing her like that. I only liked to see her smile.

I looked down, imediately feeling bad,"Joe told me to stay away from you until the fashion show. He wanted you to focus just on that."

Her melodic laugh filled my ears and the awkward feeling in the air vanished,"That makes sense. Sorry for getting mad. But I must say, nice job out there." She nodded her head towards the door. She was talking about Shyanne and we ended up in fits of laughter. This was what I liked.

I had persuaded Liam to ask Lindsay about me. Try to get her to like me. I wanted to know if she had feelings for me. Even if she didn't, that didn't mean that I wasn't going to give up.

We had to separate, for she had to go straight to the runway to get ready. Even though it was only 2 and the show started at 6, she was still called. All I knew was the theme of the show was summer. That even meant that the guests attending to watch would had to dress summery. Paparrazzi was sure to be there, so I had to look excited and good.

Lucky me, when I got home, my outfit was already picked out. Of course. I could never dress like I usually do, that would be very bad. But it wasn't that bad. It was a white button shirt made with cloth and khaki shorts, along with some vans. I probably could have picked this out myself.

I was supposed to meet Robbie Myers, I believe they said she was editor of a magazine called Elle. Must have been a big deal because Lindsay literally screamed when she found out that she was coming to the show. I still think something in my ear popped.

Changing into the clothes, I made my way down stairs to be greeted by Louis. He was wearing his signature blue and white stripes and instead of red pants, they were red shorts. The last time he had worn them was at the end of the Up All Night tour.

Louis must have caught on because he said,"Don't even start. Nick said I had to." We each had our own personaly managers. Mine was Joe and his was Nick. 

I only laughed and gave him a little smirk,"Is Eleanor coming?"

His eyes lit up at the mention of her name,"Yes! This fashion show is all she's been talking about." Lindsay and Eleanor would have to meet soon. I'm sure they would love each other. Eleanor also modeled, but not to sound mean, but Lindsay was definitely better. Maybe that's because I'm her boyfriend.

God, I love saying that.

We were piling in the limo, all of the boys, to begin the drive. It was about an hour to get there. Lindsay had menitioned that she had to wear a bathin suit on one of the walks she would go down. I couldn't wait to see her. I know that sounds perverted, but I'm not trying to be. Promise.

Perrie was actually coming to this too. I know she's my ex-girlfriend and all, but she seemed happy that I had found someone I truly liked. So she offered to come and support her tonight. I was grateful. Danielle, well, Liam and her were in the middle of a fight. So we weren't sure if she would show up or not. As for Niall and Harry, they were going without dates. 

This was going to be fun.



This was basically just a filler chapter. Not much really happened, as you can tell. The next chapter will be the fashion show, and I know I'll have fun writing it!

I hope whoever is rading this is enjoying this as much as I am. It's nice to see that people actually read this. I was generally surprised. 

So thank you for 400 reads!

I also wanted to know if you guys could vote if you think this is good. Votes mean a lot to me. And to those who have voted? Thank you so much, it means a lot.

Now, I just started to read Hired For Styles. Cause people noticed I voted for it. Well, yeah. I did. Cause it was good. So once again, when I first started this, I've never heard of the story or read it. 

Well, that's it! Byee!

-Taylor xx

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