Chapter 17: Truth

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Lindsay's POV.

I woke up to a strange pair of arms wrapped around me. Shock washed through me, then soon fear. The last time I had been in someone elses arms was when I was dating him. I turned my head around slowly, not wanting to wake the sleeping figure, when I saw Zayn resting quietly. His hair was a mess, the sound of his breathing continuing; sometimes light snores escaped out.

I giggled a little before heading down stairs. Grabbing a pair of his sweat pants, I pulled them above my skinny legs and bounded down the steps. While doing so, I put my hair in a messy bun wanting to look a little presentable if anyone was awake. 

The clock in the kitchen read 9:36. It was way too early to be up and I doubted anyone would be ready. I scanned the cabinets for a bowl and some cereal, pouring some milk after all the condiments were found. Sitting at the table, putting the silver spoon in my mouth, I heard a door open and close. 

I guess I was expecting to see Zayn come down because I had left, but it was Liam. He gave me a smile before scavenging off to find himself some breakfast. He later sat down across from me with some toast and orange juice. No words were really spoken. We were just enjoying each others company.

Liam was the one to break the silence,"I know about you and Zayn."I almost choked on my milk. I had to set it back down before thinking. What did he really mean?

I cleared my throat before speaking,"Excuse me?"

"I mean, I know you two are just pretending to date. Publicity and all." He whispered quietly to me. After speaking, he ate the rest of his breakfast ignoring the stares I was giving him.

I put my dishes in the sink, leaning on the counter after wards,"How?"

He chuckled and placed his in the sink beside mine,"Zaynie tells me everything." My eyes widened. How could I trust Zayn now to know that he tells his best mate everything? And to think I was going to tell him about Brian and my real parents. Not anymore. He doesn't even have a chance no. Zip. Zero. Negative.

"Don't take that the wrong way. He only tells me the important stuff." What I wanted to tell him was important. At least to me it was. I could never know if he would really care about me. 

I left Liam standing there as I headed back to Zayn's room to gather my stuff. I wanted to get home so I could sleep some more and shower. I just felt more comfortable in my own house 'cause I knew I would have privacy.

I tried to make as little sound possible walking in. Snatching my phone and clothes off the floor, I decided on just wearing Zayn's clothes back to my house. I'd wash them and give them to him later. Besides, they smelled nice. The smelt like him. 

Ugh, shut up Lindsay.

My plan didn't go so well because a very tired looking Zayn was now climbing out of his bed,"Where are you going?" God, his morning voice was so sexy.

I shook my head, avoiding a blush rising up to my cheeks,"Home. I was going to call Jae to come pick me up." 

He ran his fingers through his hair and slipped on some jeans, grabbing his keys off his dresser,"No need, I'll take you home." I nodded and I saw him eye me up and down. His eyebrow raised and I knew he was wondering why I was still in his clothes. He shrugged it off and led me down stairs.

Just as we were about to exit the house, he decided to scream in my ear,"I'm taking Lindsay home then I'll bring you bitches back some breakfast!" 

An irish voice yelled back,"Gimme a bagel!"

"You'll eat whatever I get you!" I was out of the house, already heading towards his car. I didn't want my ear drum to bust.

Waiting for him in the car, I looked around in the back. Trash was everywhere and some shirts were there. Being the nosy person I was, I looked around some more and accidentally found a black lace bra. I heard the door close to the house and I threw it back. He didn't have a secret relationship, right? I know we're not really dating but I wouldn't have another relationship still. I found that cruel.

He smiled at me as he started it up,"Sorry for yelling. That's the only way I talk to them for them to listen to me." I laughed and just waited for the car ride to be over. I was kind of upset about the whole Liam thing. It wasn't the main thing on my mind but it was there alright.

We pulled up to my house in a matter of no time. My hand was on the door handle, and as I went to push he locked the car; forbidding me to get out. 

I rolled my eyes and turned my head so that it was facing him,"Let me out."

He put the car in park and crossed his arms,"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

Laughing, I played it off,"Nothing is wrong. Why would you think that?"

"Stop lying and tell me the truth." He huffed at me.

I sighed,"Liam told me that you told him the truth about us." 

He rolled down the window and grabbed a cigarette,"That's what this is about? I trust him, what's so wrong about that?"

I snatched the smoking death machine out of his hand and threw it out the window,"You will not be smoking near me."

"Just answer the question, alright princess?" The sweet Zayn from last nights dinner was long gone. The same old guy was reappearing again.

"If you tell Liam something as big as that, how would I be able to trust you without you telling him?" His face showed that I had got him. He was actually thinking about it. Carefully and thothroughly.

I unlocked the door, leaning across from him, and leaving his car. He didn't even try to stop me and I knew I had caught him. Ha. 

Zayn's POV.

Well, that was a good question. A good question that I didn't have the answer too. I was so close to finding out about her past and I just lost her. Now we were standing just like we were at the beginning of this big mess. 

My phone vibrated against my leg and I took it out. A text message from Lindsay. I opened it, not even hesistating to look at it.

-I have a fashion show this Monday. You're coming.- 

I didn't even want to respond, which was so unlike me. I usually felt butterflies in my stomach when she texted me or when we hung out. Then it hit me. Hard.

I had feelings for Lindsay. I smiled and thought it again. I had feelings for Lindsay. I shook my head, forgetting about picking up breakfast, and headed home as fast as I could. I needed to talk to Liam. This wasn't about Lindsay, so it had nothing to do with her technically. It was about me, having feeligns for her.

Once the car was off, I sprinted through the door earning stares from Louis and Harry. I ignored them and went to Liam's room. He was up on his elbow, texting on his phone. I slammed the door and locked it, which got his attention.

He smirked,"Is Zaynie feeling the Ziam action now?"

I glared at him and sat on his bed,"This is about Lindsay."

His face got serious and he nodded for me to go on,"I think I have feelings for her."

He started laughing uncontrollably, rolling all over his bed. I had the urge to punch him. Couldn't he tell I was serious?

When he realized that I was telling the truth, he calmed down,"How? You guys are dating for publicity and mentions."

Sighing, I breathed in and out saying,"I don't know. All I know is that if I do fall for her, I'll never be the same." My eyes closed and my shoulders began to shake lightly,"And I'm afraid she won't feel the same way."

In my mind, a million questions and comments were running through my head but only one stood out to me most. Ignoring whatever Liam said, I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Did Lindsay have any feelings for me?

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