Chapter 14: Perfect

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Lindsay's POV.

Zayn and I were walking aimlessly around the boardwalk. I had an ice cream cone in my hand, while he was munching on a churro. Today was a perfect day for something like this.

I leaned against the wooden frame, admiring the blue of the ocean. Zayn put his figure next to mine.

"So we're on good terms now, correct?" His voice surprised me.

I laughed and nudged him playfully,"Yeah, we are. For once. Lets enjoy the moment while we can." I saw him roll his eyes as he took another bite of his delicacy.

I raised my eyebrow carefully and decided to put some ice cream onto his nose. His reaction was priceless, and I ended up running away from him.

"You're gonna get it!" I laughed as I kept running, the wind sweeping my hair off of my shoulders. Before I knew it, I reached the end of the dock area and was cornered.

He kept coming at me, making each step more dramatic. I pouted a little and crossed my arm, realizing I lost my cone from the running. Pity.

Zayn stood in front of me. His fists were clenched. He tried making a mad face but with the ice cream all over his face, it made his attempts lame.

"There's my bad boy." I chuckled, patting the side of his cheek.

"Wipe it off of me," He grumbled. I obliged and licked the edge of my thumb. After clearing all the cold sweets off of him, he smiled.

"Thank you, m'lady." I smiled at him. At this moment I decided to take in his real beauty. His jaw line was really noticeable, completing his whole bad boy look. But his tousled hair and hazel eyes said that he was just another kid. Interesting.

I was interrupted when I heard a few screaming girls, all with cameras. I sighed. At least we got to have lunch and some dessert before it was ruined.

Just as I was about to walk away, Zayn grabbed my forearm.

He bent down and spoke directly in my ear,"Put a show on for them. If they see it, they could leave us alone." The breath that came from him sent chills up on my neck. I knew what he meant.

"Please. You just want me so badly." I winked at him. I cut him off by molding my lips into his. My hands tugged at his hair, and his arms were around my petite waist. Before you knew it, the screams were gone. But that didnt mean the cameras didnt stop.

So we decided to step it up. Anytime I was about to pull back, Zayn kept demanding more for them. It's not like I was going to argue. I like the way his lips melted into mine... Wait, no you don't. What am I even saying? I crack myself up.

Instead of me stopping, it was him. I checked my surroundings to see that the fans were long gone. I glared over at Zayn to find him smirking.

"I hate you."

He made his eyes really big,"Don't act like you didn't like it."

I smirked over at him while I started to walk away,"I guess I could say the same for you."

He caught up with me and grabbed onto my hands,"Hey, at least I'm being honest. You are a good kisser." He winked over at me. I pretended to gag and then covered it with laughter. I was sent a pair of rolling eyes and I smiled.

"Hey, at least I'm being honest." I quoted him using his same tone,"Honesty is key!" We had just reached the sand. I took off my sandals an held them in my hand, letting my feet sink into the earth. The particles surrounded my feet, relaxing all of my nerves.

But soon that was all taken away from me. My feet were lifted off the ground and I opened my eyes. Zayn had thrown me over his shoulders and was heading towards the water. I panicked.

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