Chapter 13: Change is Good

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Lindsay's POV.

After I drove off, heading home, I thought about Zayn. He was changing. It was a good change. Into a better person. I smiled like an idiot. That is what I wanted. To help him.

Pulling into the driveway, I pressed the garage button and pulled into the garage. It was around 7 again, and I didn't feel like joining dinner with my family tonight. I was too tired. But that didnt mean I wouldn't share my story to my mother about today.

I clicked the lock button on my keys, making the car beep, hoping my parents could signal my arrival home. I twisted the door knob on the door, and pushed it open.

Sure enough, mother was busy making dinner and dad was watching the telly. Typical family. I walked in and sat down at the island, waiting for my mother to give me some time to talk.

She wiped her hands on a dish rag and sat down next to me,"So what's the story today?" She always knew my routine. And the story was always interesting.

"You know how I went to the soup kitchen today?" She nodded, allowing me to go on,"Well, apparently Zayn followed me. He was outside the house ever since our fight, to see if I had left." I saw my mothers eyes widen. If I didn't explain faster, she would probably hire more security.

"But, when he saw me leaving, dressed like I was, he followed me. What else would he do? Then I walked in the kitchen, he came in, and I found out who it really was. He then helped serve out soup for the homeless and now he wants to help more."

I was in a big smile by the end. It really brightened my day. She agreed with me that he was changing, majorly. Maybe Zayn was different than most boys.

I excused myself from eating dinner, because I was tired. And luckily, the excuse worked.

I stripped off my clothes, putting it in my laundry basket, getting out some pajamas. I dressed in some long comfy pants and a tank top. Climbing into my bed, it was hard to keep my mind off of that kiss. The one that we shared.

It felt nice... It felt amazing, actually. I closed my eyes tightly. No, Lindsay. You can't be thinking this.

Trying to keep my eyes off that specific topic, I ended up falling asleep to the laughter of my family downstairs.


I woke up groggily to bright lights shining through the window,"Why?" I moaned into my pillow. My hands went straight to my hair, to feel that it was definitely terrible looking.

The time on my clock read 10:48. Zayn and I could go to lunch around noon. Soon my hand was on the little box and I slid it over, unlocking my phone.

After pressing his contact, the raining began.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

I was about to give up, thinking that it was his voicemail talking,"Hello?" His voice caught me off guard. I probably woke him up.

"Zayn? Are you still sleeping?" I tried to hold back my laughter.

I heard him grumble into the phone,"Obviously not anymore."

"I just wanted to tell you to pick me up at my house at 11:30. We're going to lunch." Before he could disagree, I hung up and began to get ready.

Combing through my hair, I found out to see it wasn't that bad. I would just have to straighten some parts to touch it up.

It was going to be a nice day out, according to the weather app on my phone, so I decided something summery to wear.

Looking in the mirror, I was wearing a yellow summer dress. It went to my mid calf, and it was flowy. The straps were skinny, so I pulled a jean jacket over it. White sandals came over my feet.

Straightening the ends if my hair, I braided back my bangs pinning it up with a bright red bow. Casually slipping on my red lipstick and mascara, I grabbed my phone and purse and darted down stairs.

"Where are you going, dressed all cute like that?" It was dad. On Thursdays and Sundays were his day off. Odd.

"I'm spending the day with Zayn today." I smiled and said sweetly. He might not be my real dad, but I knew he still cared about his daughter.

"You like him a lot, huh?" I gulped a little and nodded.

"I really do, daddy. Would you like to meet him? He should be here any minute." He got up from his chair and wrapped his arm around me.

"Sure, sweet heart."

I just hoped Zayn wouldn't do or say anything stupid.

Zayn's POV.

I didn't know how to dress, so I put on a white vneck and some jeans, along with some ordinary shoes. Slipping my phone into my pocket, grabbing my keys and shades, I locked my flat up and started my car.

For some reason, I felt that Lindsay enjoyed that kiss. Maybe as much as I did. And the fact was, I didn't min admitting it. She was a good kisser.

When I pulled up, she was sitting down on the front steps of her porch. She looked beautiful. Then I noticed a man sitting next to her. Who was that?

I contained my thoughts, and got out of the car, waking towards them. She heard my footsteps, and she soon began to sit up as well as the man.

"Zayn, this is my dad." I felt my hands begin to shake as I held my hand out for him. He took the offer and shook my hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Haise." I looked more closely at them. Lindsay didnt look like her family at all.

"Please, call me Dan." I smiled at him. I already knew I liked the guy.

I intertwined my hand with Lindsay's and I saw her smile up at me. Of course I had to smile back. Meeting the parents was a big deal especially when you weren't even dating their daughter.

I opened the car door for her and she climbed in. I hesitated on whether I should buckle her up or not. After 10 seconds of arguing with myself, I did.

"Zayn? Can I speak to you for a moment?"

I looked over to see Dan calling me over. I shut her door, carefully, before waking over to him. I suddenly felt conscious of all my tattoos that he could see.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded my head. My back was faced to the car, so she couldn't see my facial expressions.

"Of course, sir."

He firmly placed his hands on both of my shoulders,"Do you really like my daughter?"

I nodded my head immediately,"I really do sir. More than anyone."

His lips placed into a firm line,"Take care of her, then."

"Thank you, Mr. Hai- Dan." He smiled and sent me off. I lowered myself into my seat and put the keys into the ignition.

Driving off, half way to the beach, she grabbed my hand. That was on her part. She didnt have to, cause we weren't in public yet, but she did. And I held on too.

Being with her, somehow made me feel complete.

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