Chapter 25: Party Hard

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Lindsay's POV.

"I don't know about this." I smoothed the dress out in my mirror. The party had started half an hour ago, and we both decided we should go late instead of early. I walked back and forth in my heels, the heels that Zayn had bought me for our dinner date. Even though I looked sexy, didn't mean I felt it. 

Stephanie was busy putting in her earrings. I felt insecure about my body when I glanced over at her. She was wearing a tight red dress, that showed a little too much for my liking, but she looked good. Why couldn't I ever look like that? 

I sighed, touching up my hair. Though it was relatively short, I managed to put it into loose curls. My high lights were definitely noticeable now. With my signature makeup on, I grabbed my hand bag and walked down stairs where Stephanie was. She was sitting on the couch, looking around the room when I came down. 

She looked over at me and her mouth dropped,"You look stunning. Boys are going to be all over you tonight." I forced a smile over my face as I spinned my purity ring around my finger. No fooling around tonight. Don't accept drinks people offer. Get your own. And that's what I would go by.

The car ride was rather quick, since Zayn only lived 10 minutes away from me. Quite a coincience. At the concert, I didn't even know he lived near me. But you could hear the music blaring from the house when you were at least two streets away. This party was going to be crazy.

And I was right, because cars were parked all along the driveway and the road. Who all did they invite? My legs were shaking as I climbed out of the car the Stephanie had drove. I was suddenly unsure if this was a good idea. It wasn't too late to leave, was it?

It was, because Stephanie had already reached the door, waiting for me to come in with her. When my hand pressed on the metal door handle, I could feel the bass pumping through the whole house. I wouldn't be surprised is the house fell down in the middle of the night.

Preparing myself for what was inside, I pushed the door open to see what I basically expected. People were dancing everywhere, left and right. Red cups littered the floor, streamers along with the cups. Some hollers were yelled over at us when they noticed our arrival. I looked down at my hands and frowned. I left my purse in the car, my phone inside of it. 

I knew Zayn was in here, but I really wanted him to find me. Since I had no way to find him first. Stephanie grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the kitchen where all the drinks were being made. I popped open the cooler and grabbed myself a water, grateful that Zayn had remembered that I didn't drink. Where was he anyway?

I looked around frantically, trying to spot his head of hair. When I came up empty, I started to feel the room close in on me. This always happened when I was at a party. I usually got clausterphobic. Pushing the sliding glass door opening, I walked onto the back porch. This was much better. Not even ten minutes here and I wanted to leave.

'Way to go, Lindsay.'

I huffed at myself. I was so pathetic. I could never be like most girls, who wanted to party and drink. It was impossible for me to be that way. Imagining myself that way, I felt goose bumps reach my neck. Never would that happen. 

A cough interuptted my thoughts and I turned my head to see Zayn standing next to me with a drink in his hands. I reached over and gave him a hug, which he returned. He really made me glad, I just wish he knew. The silence wasn't awkaward. It was one that I actually enjoyed. 

Our company was enough for each other. Slight banter was tossed around, but that was it. He looked extremely good tonight, did I forget to mention? A black blazer, white shirt, and black pants. He could wear anything and I would still like him.

"Oh, before I forget to tell you... Phil and Joe rented us a hotel room later tonight." My breath hitched in my throat. You've got to be kidding me. My parents would never talk to me again and I'm sure the rumor would spread around eventually!

"Oh, um, okay. Any plans for tomorrow?" My voice cracked midway through the sentence. Why did I always get stuck in these situations?

He pressed his back against the wooden frame of the porch, tossing his now empty cup to the side,"We were thinking about throwing a small barbecque, pool party either tomorrow or the next day." I always loved barbecques. They were my favorite when I was little. Just the thought of them brought back so many memories.

"Sounds fine." I still wasn't in the mood for talking anymore. The hotel was still in my head, bouncing around. Maybe this was too far for us. Phil was taking this way out of proportion.

"I know you're still worried about tonight. I promise nothing will happen. And we can tell your parents the next day the truth, if you'd like." His words sent relief through me. My mom already knew, so she would know it was a set up. I would just have to tell my dad and everything would be cleared up before things got bad.

"Thank you," I whispered quietly. Leaning over, I pecked his cheek and sent him a small smile before heading back inside. I noticed the time, it was a little after ten. Had I been out there for that long? People were still partying hard, and it looked like things were already getting worse. 

Someone tapped my shoulder and I saw it was Stephanie. Her eyes were red and by the way she walked over to me, I could tell she was very drunk. I laughed at her, shaking my head in the process,"Dance with meeee!" She slurred. The alchohol came with her words and I really wanted to pass out at the smell of it.  I knew she wouldn't try anything with me, so I agreed. 

Walking into the middle of the dancing group, I swayed my hips back and forth to the music. I didn't recognize the song at first, but when I payed closer attention, I realized it was my song. Playing at this party. My lips formed into the biggest smile possible, feeling like it reached up to my ears. This was amazing, I knew this would happen. 

A pair of hands gripped my waist, and thinking it was Zayn, I put a smile on my face and turned to greet the boy. I was wrong, it was actually Harry surprisingly enough. Thinking nothing of it, I tried to leave his grip when it only tightened around me. He pulled me with him, my back now pressed up against a wall. His finger trailed up and down my side. 

"Hey baby, let's get dirty tonight." I spit in his face, trying to get him to leave when his hand slapped his way across my face.  It was like it was happening all over again. Thoughts of Brian were coming back all over again and I wanted to leave. Tears were threatening to spill, but in the end I knew they would come out all over again. Why was it always me in this kind of situation? Screaming for help, no one could hear me above the loud music. No one except one person in particular.

Harry's body was tackled to the floor by the boy I dearly liked. Zayn wasn't throwing any punches, but pinned him down to the ground for his own good. Niall and Liam grabbed him and took him away before Zayn came to inspect me. He ran his soft fingers over my face, and I was sure that a new bruise would appear the next day.

"Let's get some ice on that." I didn't try to argue, because I knew I needed this. Plus it was Zayn who was helping me, so who was complaining? Not me, that's for sure. As I sat on a stool in the kitchen, I heard him scrummaging through the freezer. Shortly after, he pressed a bag of ice to my swollen cheek. The coldness instantly making me feel a bit better. 

For the rest of the night, he stayed with me. Complimenting on my dress, asking if I was okay, that happened once in a while. I felt bad for keeping him here with me, him checking up on me. He didn't have to stay here and watch me.

But he did. And that's what mattered to me.



Hey! To the side is what Lindsay's dress would look like!

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I appreciate all the votes and encouraging messages I've been recieving. It means a lot to me! Thank you to everyone who has been doing so!

-Taylor xx

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