Chapter 32: Opportunities

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Lindsay's POV.

Once I was pushed into my dressing rooms, more people came filing in with big bags and smaller bags. It all surprised me. They were all dressed so well compared to me. With their designer clothes and all...

A short girl with blonde hair came up to me, a long black bag hung off of her fingers,"Here's your outfit for the first shoot. Go change over there and then head to the makeup station." Her small, squeaky voice spoke. I smiled, nodded, and walked over to where she told me. Hanging it off of the door, I unzipped it and took the look in. 

It was like a 70's look. Very retro, sort of. A light blue tank with different types of cars plastered on it. Along with a leather black skirt with white and yellow linings. I couldn't believe I was chosen to wear it. though. It fit perfectly, and I felt sort of weird. Weird because they knew my exact sizings for my clothes. Probably Derek offered them to her.

I walked out, and to my right were red heels. I guessed they were for me, so I took a few seconds to carefully put them on. Taking a test walk, I walked in a few circles and then over to the makeup department. 

The makeup department was a whole other room. Inside was a hair section, makeup, perfume, pretty much everything that related to the subject. A very tall lady, even tall to me and I had heels on, grabbed my hand and shoved me back into one of the hair styling chairs. She made a clicking sound with her tongue, puffing out her lips. After she got a full view of me, she just shook her head and scurried away somewhere else.

I spun the chair so I faced the mirror to see what was wrong with me. I looked perfectly fine, in my image. I'm sure other people would agree. What was wrong with this bitch? 

'No, stop. You didn't mean that.' I sighed, looking down at the wooden tiled floor. The light reflected off of it and I wondered how often they waxed it. It was going to get walked on anyway so why even bother?

The same woman spun my chair around and a whole entire crew was behind her,"We'll need to change her hair color." Murmurs were said behind her, agreeing with her. My fingers went to my hair instantly. She wrapped a black cloak around the top of my body and she dragged me to the sink.

Before I knew it, they were bleaching my hair but leaving my dark roots in, painting my nails red, and feeding me little delectable treats. Cucumbers were over my eyes when I felt heat towards my scalp. I took a peek under the food and saw she was curling my hair. And then my mouth gaped open.

My hair was so much light, so much brighter, so.... Yellow. It matched the color on my skirt, and I loved it. Never would I ever think of using this color for me. It actually looked good. It felt like hours had passed, and I wondered how Zayn was holding up. He was probably bored out of his mind. I pouted a little, before I heard her yelling instructions once again.

About five minutes later, the food was removed from my eyes and she held her hand out to me so I could stand up. Her hands were soft, and I took a strong grip onto her before standing up. Everyone in the room walked behind me as I made my way closer to the long mirror.

Stunning. My makeup was different but my red lips still remained intact. Everything was right into place and I knew my modeling career was about to take off. I couldn't wait. Applause erupted and I smiled at my inventor, whose name I learned was Kaycee. She smiled back and grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the room.

We were in the main room where all the photos were bing taken place. Many people came up to me and complimented on how gorgeous I looked. It made me feel better about myself the more I heard it. I looked over at the wrong time, to see Zayn talking to a red head. I was jealous, the way his body stood next to hers in a flirtatious way. How she was twirling her hair around her finger. Did he forget about what happened last night?

He looked over at me and smiled, but I turned my back around and continued to follow Kaycee. She placed me in my own position, my hand over my head and one placed on my hip. Once she leaved my body, the photographer began snapping photos. The fan from behind the camera began blowing and my hair was swept off my shoulders slightly.

Zayn was standing behind all of the equipment, taking photos of his own on his phone. I knew they'd be uploaded onto twitter or instagram or whatever was popular now. I changed my position, leaning to the other side. I was never interested in that sort of stuff. Trying to avoid the hate was why I didn't have an account for that type of stuff. But the haters always found their way to get to me. 

"Alright! That's good! Great work, Lindsay. The photos look amazing!" I thanked him and walked back to my dressing room, ready to head home. Someone had grabbed my wrist and I expected it to be Zayn, but when I turned around it was Mrs. Sellars. 

"Lindsay, can I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and she led me into a private room which must have been her office. It wasn't that private cause of it's glass windows and doors, but no one could hear us. And that's what she needed.

She sat behind her desk while I sat in one of the given chairs set out for her patients. She clicked the end of her pen constantly, staring me down. It made me uncomfortable, but I wouldn't let that show. Instead I stared right back, not letting her get to me. She smiled at me and set her pen down, alinged perfectly straight.

I cocked my eyebrow up and she laughed,"I've made my decision. The photos were absolutely amazing. And I want to sign you to be one of my regular models." My hands covered my mouth as I leaned back into the chair. 

"Yes, of course. I'd love to." 

She rummaged through her drawers and brought out some papers,"Read this and sign here and in less than two weeks you'll be in your own apartment in New York. But don't worry, we'll cover the place and furniture by ourselves. You'll receive your first check next week."

New York? She meant go follow my dream, but leave all my memories behind? Everything was just turning out to be perfect. Zayn and I were finally together. Things between my parents were clearer than ever. My life was just starting off.

But I had to think of my career. I wanted it to go far, and the only way it could go far is if I went to New York. And that's what I thought when I signed the paper, agreeing to everything. Tears sprung in my eyes as I forced my hand to sign it. I was leaving Zayn. And when Phil found out, they would force us to break up. Saying long distance would never work. We'd never pull it off. 

She explained a few more things. I'd get 2 thousand dollars every week as long as I worked. It was an amazing offer. I couldn't pass it up. 

How would I tell him?



Uh oh, Lindsay is moving to New York and Zayn doesn't know. He'll be heartbroken. On the bright side, her career is taking off. I have everything planned for this story so don't try and change my mind!

To the side is what Lindsay's outfit for the photo shoot. And it'll eventually go out onto covers of magazines, so that's what it would look like!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment!

-Taylor xx

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