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"Malfoy, Draco!" Professor McGonagall announced, Draco flashing me a confident smirk before walking up to the stool next to McGonagall. The hat was placed on his head and the hat did not hesitate a second before announcing 'Slytherin!'.

Draco smirked at me as he sat at the ever-long Slytherin table. We had always talked about being in Slytherin together from the days we can remember. His whole family had been Slytherins whereas, my mother had been a Slytherin and my father had been a Gryffindor. My sister had been a Slytherin and my twin brother was right behind me. My grandparents from my mother's side were muggles.

"Stark, Malia!" My chest tightened as my name was called. I pushed through the crowd with trembling hands and weak knees. I sat down on the stool and hat was placed on her head. "Hmm, this is a very difficult one, very difficult indeed." The hat declared.

"Please Slytherin, Please Slytherin." I murmured under my breath. "You want to be in Slytherin eh? You have a desire to learn and have a high intelligence level like a Ravenclaw. You are brave like a Gryffindor but loyal like a Hufflepuff. You could be great in Slytherin but... you are no Slytherin. You're too smart and full of wit. You are a Ravenclaw!" The hat announced and my heart fell to my toes.

I looked at Draco as his face fell and his eyes widened. This couldn't be. We were meant to be in Slytherin together!

I pushed myself from the stool and joined the Ravenclaw table.

Everyone was screaming over something but the only words that rang in my ears were the words that Draco had told me only 2 hours ago.

"Anyone who isn't a Slytherin... is no friend of mine."

SECTUMSEMPRA  ▷ DRACO MALFOY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now