11 || c o l o u r s

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everything was grey, his hair, his smoke, his dreams and now he's so devoid of colour, he don't know what it means
      <colours by halsey



Draco cursed mentally as he looked upon his childhood home that was no longer filled with fond memories- it was full of pain and darkness now.

As much as Granger got on his last nerve, he felt nothing but regret since the night she was tortured. He couldn't ever forget her screams as Bellatrix scarred her forever- his dreams would never let him forget anyway; he relived the memory in his dreams frequently.

"What's the game plan, Malfoy?" Harry asked, looking just as annoyed as Draco was. "I've got a few ideas-"

"Any idea will do right now, Malfoy." Harry interjected. "Git." Draco muttered. "The Manor shouldn't be heavily guarded so we should be able to sneak in if we're careful. Granger, Lovegood- your job is to get to the basement. All the potions are kept there. Don't bother looking for the phoenix tears, just accio them from there. Weaselette, make sure they get there. Stun any Death-Eater who blocks the way or detects you. Weasel and Potter, you're with me. Our job is to take out the Death-Eaters at the door and make sure Granger, Lovegood and Weaselette get inside. And if anything goes wrong, Weaselette leave Granger and Lovegood, and help us hold off the Death-Eaters."

"What about me?" Malia's eyebrows furrowed at Draco. "Malia, you're staying right here. You alert me if more Death-Eaters come."

"Are you fucking kidding me, Draco?" Malia tried to keep her angry reply hushed. "No, I'm not."

"There's no way I'm staying here!" Malia barked. Draco stood up from his crouched position and dragged Malia behind the nearest tree. "I'm keeping you safe. Stopping making this hard for me." Draco pulled Malia close to him. Malia wriggled out of his grip, an angry look on her face. "I can't believe you. I am perfectly capable of protecting myself. I don't need you."

"You may not, but I need you."

"You're just saying that because you don't want me messing this up. I get it. I'll stay here." Malia growled before storming back to the group who were crouched behind a bush. It was pitch black and all Draco could see was the illumination of the manor and the group's wands.

Draco walked back to the group and crouched back down. "We go now. You all know your jobs. Do them right." They all nodded and left the bush, stealthily creeping up to the entrance.

Draco shot Malia a look but she wasn't looking. If she wanted to play it that way, then so be it.

Draco left the safety of the bush and advanced to the gates, behind Ron and Harry. The three of them stalked closer to the entrance where it was guarded by two Death-Eaters, both cloaked and masked.

Before Draco could take them out, the Weasel and Potter had already stunned them. That was good enough for Draco.


How dare he think that I am incapable of protecting myself! I was fairing perfectly well before he came along.

Malia crouched low behind the bush, looking around for any other Death-Eaters; thinking of how many ways she could hex Draco when he got back. Did he not think that she could protect him if the circumstance arose?

SECTUMSEMPRA  ▷ DRACO MALFOY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now