17 || r u n

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they'll never stop until they see us fall, so let's run
      <run by bring me the horizon


The night drew in closer and Malia stood at the window, watching the sunset. She paid no mind to Draco who was packing his stuff frantically behind her. The sunset reminded her of her mother. Malia was only a baby when her mother was killed- so Malia never really knew her. But Marietta told her that her mother used to sit Malia, Maximus and Marietta at the window every night, and have them watch the sunset.

Marietta was 5 years older than Malia and Maximus so Marietta only had a small number of memories. However, for Malia and Maximus' 18th birthday, Marietta gave them a small box of phials, full of Marietta's memories of their mother.

After their mother died, their father went into a state of depression. He blamed himself for the death of his wife because if he hadn't been working, maybe it could have been him instead of his wife. Her father became violent and incapable of looking after his children. He decided that he was a danger to them and Marianna would be turning in her grave if she knew that he could possibly hurt their children.

Her father came to the decision that it was best if he sent his children to stay their Godmother's houses, until he overcame his depression. Maximus was sent to his Godmother, Amelia Bones, Marietta to Andromeda Tonks and Malia to Narcissa Malfoy.

Marianna chose the three women because they were all close friends of her's and she would trust them with her life- and her children.

Malia would stay at the Malfoy's two thirds of the month, and the rest of the time, Maximus, Marietta and Malia would go back to their father. Malia spent most of her life before Hogwarts at the Malfoy's. Narcissa treated her like the daughter she never had. Lucius was polite but cold, always watching her with dark, judging eyes- and Draco was her best friend.

"Malia?" Malia jumped as she was snapped out of her thoughts, by a soft voice. "Yes?" Malia didn't turn round as she kept staring out of the window, even though the sun had set and the light blue of the sky, was being painted into a dark blue. "It's time."

Malia turned to look at Draco who nervously ran a hand through his hair. Malia left the window and walked over to him, keeping eye contact. Malia was quite a bit smaller than Draco, the top of her head reaching his cheek.

"Be safe tonight and stay by my side. I don't want to lose you again." Draco placed his hands on her waist and pulled her body against his. "Remember our promise?"


Malia stood up on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips to his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. 

Their lips disconnected after a few seconds and Malia pulled away. "The others are probably waiting for us." Draco let her go and walked over to the bed where his two cases lay. He pulled out his wand and quickly transfigured them into two Galleons. He stuffed them into his pocket and put his wand away again.

Draco nodded to Malia and they both headed toward the bedroom door. Draco opened the door and let Malia through first before letting himself through and shutting the door behind them.

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