23 || h a l l e l u j a h

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i love the things you hate about yourself
<hallelujah by panic! at the disco


"Don't make me get up. I just want to spend the whole day with you like this." Draco grabbed his girlfriend by the waist, pulling her back down onto the bed. "Draco, I have to sort things out with my brother."

"He can wait. Just stay with me." Draco murmured, pulling her against him. "I guess he can." Malia smiled, intertwining her fingers with his. They faced each other, Draco pushing strands of hair away from her face. "You know I was thinking, I haven't taken you on a proper date yet."

"No, you haven't." Malia mused. "But I'm not expecting anything. There aren't exactly any fancy restaurants at the moment." Malia shrugged, Draco raising his eyebrow in amusement. "I'll just have to be more creative then."

Malia dragged her fingers across his cheek softly, bringing her lips to his. His arms fell to her hips, pulling her in.

A knock at the door interrupted them, Draco huffing in annoyance. "Come in." Malia sat up. Pansy opened the door, walking in. "McGonagall is here with Potter and crew. Malia, Lovegood's asking for you. You two better get dressed before McGonagall comes up here and drags you out of bed." Pansy smirked, leaving bluntly.

Draco pulled the covers over his head, groaning. Malia got up, leaving him in bed. She picked an emerald green sweater and laid it on the bed. She turned away from him, pulling her top over her head. She grabbed the sweater and pulled it on, slipping into her jeans.

"The snow's come!" Malia smiled as she looked out of the window, everything covered in white.

"Draco, for Merlin's sake, get up!" Malia exclaimed, pulling the covers off of him. "You're a bad girlfriend." Draco moaned, Malia rolling her eyes. She walked into the bathroom, brushing her hair and making herself more presentable. "Draco!" Malia yelled from the bathroom.

Her ears were met with a groan. "If you don't get up, I'm finding a new boyfriend."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me, Malfoy."

Draco groaned once more and dragged himself out of bed, pulling clothes on lazily. Malia marched into the bedroom and stood in front of him, dragging her fingers through his hair to make him look like he at least tried with his appearance.

"Sometimes I don't know if I'm a girlfriend or a mother." Malia muttered, Draco narrowing his eyes at her.

"Okay. Let's go."

Malia grabbed his hand, pulling him out of their room. They made their way to the lounge, the sound of talking audible. Malia opened the door, everyone's eyes on them. "Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Stark and Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall's voice had slight hint of sarcasm to it, which didn't surprise Malia.

"Apologies, Professor. I had to drag Draco out of bed." The two joined Pansy, Blaise and Theo on a couch.

"Now we're all here, I'd like to say well done. The majority of students were removed but there are still around 100 students still to be rescued. But I will send another team to do that. Lastly, a group of Order member thought it would be a good idea to host some sort of event. We want to give people something to look forward to, to keep them busy. We have decided to have a ball, that's what a lot of members requested. I expect you to attend as you are important members to the Order. Formal attire is to be worn. I will see you there tomorrow night." McGonagall once again up and left, everyone trying to process what she said.

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