12 || d o u b t

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don't forget about me even when i doubt you, i'm no good without you
       <doubt by twenty øne piløts


Malia's eyes shot open as there was a knock on the door of the room she rested in. The door creaked open and Blaise stepped in, holding a tray of potions. He closed the door behind him and set the potions down on the desk. He pulled a chair over to the bed and sighed.

"How are you feeling?" Blaise asked, placing the tray of potions on his lap. "Okay, I guess. My head hurts a bit, but apart from that, fine." Malia rubbed her temples, yawning.

"You were completely unconscious when Theo and Pansy found you. There was a huge gash on your forehead and it was bleeding badly. But if we apply Dittany regularly you should be left with no scarring. Drink this." Blaise handed Malia a phial filled with a blue potion. Malia didn't ask any questions, she just forced it down without another word.

"Promise you won't freak out if I tell you this?" Blaise asked, handing her another potion. "It'd take a lot."

"Draco, Theo, Pansy and I are Death-Eaters but we're not working for The Dark Lord. We wreak havoc from within instead of going all out. But you have to understand, none of us wanted this. Well, we did when we were young and had no idea what we were in for. Our families forced it on us and made us believe that it was what we wanted. We didn't think we'd actually have to kill. And once you're in, the only way out is death. So every day, we have to go on patrols and kill anyone who doesn't follow The Dark Lord. Theo, Pansy and I will harbour you here- you are completely safe here, safer than being out there. I-"

"Blaise, you don't need to explain yourself. You're trying to stay alive and I understand completely."

Blaise went quiet as he handed Malia more potions. Blaise was always really good at potions and a favourite of Snape's. Snape was neutral towards Malia whereas he wasn't to the rest of her friends. He even once said Malia should have been a Slytherin.

"Are you able to sit up?" Blaise grabbed the small bottle of Dittany and used the dropper to drip Dittany onto her forehead, obviously where the main scars were. Malia felt a slight sting but it was nothing unbearable.

"Would you like to come and sit in the living room, there's more to do there if you'd like?" Blaise offered, standing up. "I would like that."


Draco sifted through his brain for any leads of where Malia could be. He had checked Malfoy Manor, Malia's house and just about everywhere- and he was starting to fear that maybe she had been taken by Death-Eaters and was being tortured right now.

The war of the wizarding world seemed just like it had before. Muggle-borns were being murdered and anyone who couldn't prove they weren't pureblooded, they were murdered. Draco didn't care much about blood status any more. Blood superiority was the last thing on his mind right now.

She had been gone for 4 days now and his already withering hope was starting to escape him. Draco didn't deal with loss very well.

The only place she could be now was the dungeons of Malfoy Manor and Draco couldn't get in without being detected. 

He really was hopeless.

SECTUMSEMPRA  ▷ DRACO MALFOY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now